Wednesday 27 August 2008

27th of August 2008

This is the day Batman lost Robin. My Sonic is gone. I'm glad he's at peace, but I don't know how I'll ever cope. I don't remember much before him, and I can't imagine life after him.

Friday 22 August 2008

Don't let them kill Atlantis, those frelling b******s!

Anyone reading should probably ignore my last post. Something triggered a bad mood, and I over thought a few things. One of the people I described can just go screw herself if she's not bothered. I won't be bothered either. See you at R's wedding in a few years or something. The other person, I guess I just need to stop caring so much, because they'll never change. The sooner I accept them as they are, the better it will be for me.

Anyway, all that is irrelevant now, because something far more depressing occurred last night. THEY CANCELLED ATLANTIS! What the eff word?!

I don't think I've ever been so upset by a tv show cancellation. I was gutted to come to the end of Enterprise, Farscape (as I've said in great detail in this blog) and Firefly, but I knew they had been cancelled already by the time I started watching them, since I acquired them all after they'd finished on tv. I was totally gutted about SG1 ending, but not totally surprised, since it had changed so much since the early seasons. I don't think the last two seasons were any worse than the rest, but I can see why they might have thought it best to end it. Needed another season for wrapping up, but it got films instead. When Angel was cancelled, I already wasn't happy with the final season, so although frustrating that the story was rushed, again it wasn't all that shocking. Invasion being cancelled was really annoying, because that got really good at the end. It had been slow to get going though, and it wasn't the greatest thing ever, so I wasn't too gutted. Atlantis though? Atlantis is one of the top few things on tv at the moment. It's still going strong. The stories are still good. Damn them, this is so annoying.

Granted, I think Atlantis has suffered from some poor cast choices and character stories since series 3, but it's still been great. Carter was badly used. As a leader, she wasn't present enough, and she seemed to forget that she was a genius and a soldier on many occasions. Maybe that was so she didn't take anything away from Sheppard or McKay? I know I was worried McKay's role would suffer with her there, but they did it the other way. She suffered, and McKay solved everything. Another problem was something I noticed SG1 screwed up on in the last 2 seasons. The team was split up too much. One week McKay and Sheppard are on that planet with the princess, and the next Sheppard and Ronan alone on Earth. I know there are reasons. I think what'sherface who plays Teyla was really pregnant? Still, since the character was, no reason to split up the rest so much. Too many episodes where Carter wasn't even there, and too many without the full team. Still, season 4 had great stories. The conclusion of the season 3 cliffhanger was one of the best episodes ever. The mid season three parter was great. Midway was pretty hilarious, and the last few and the Michael story was awesome. Michael is a fantastic villain, and I hope he shows up again soon.

Season 5 looks a lot more promising than 4. Woolsey is a great character, and I've thought that since the end of SG1 season 7. He's a genuinely good guy, who does bad things for the right reasons sometimes. He's obsessed with doing things by the book, but he's clearly learning that this won't work. He's a far more interesting leader than Carter was, and it's a shame he only gets one season. Weir had 3, so this chopping and changing isn't good for the series. I'm glad Keller is on the main cast now, because I think her character is pretty good too. She needs to be in more episodes though. She wasn't in the last one at all. Woolsey wasn't in one earlier in the series when I thought he should have been too. I don't remember which one, but I know Sheppard was contacting Lorne in Atlantis. Why Lorne over the expedition leader? Weir was pretty much always there, and Woolsey should be too.

The stories have been really good so far in season 5 though. I enjoyed the parallel dimension one, and the replicator ascension one was awesome. Screw Tori Higginson, she totally wasn't needed. And now they're ending it at the end of the season. It's not all bad though, because there will be films. The finale cliff hanger will get a 2 hour conclusion, and then there will be more. Brad Wright is looking at this as a positive thing. They're moving to films while it's still going well, and he hopes to knock out 2 SG films, one of each, every year. Now that will be great, but I'll still miss Atlantis as a series.

Stargate Universe will be replacing it next summer. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about that, but I would have liked to have seen Atlantis get to at least 7 seasons. Universe looks good, but I would definitely prefer more Atlantis before it switches to movies.

I guess it's not all bad, but this was not good news for me. I'm running out of stuff to watch. Sci fi stuff at least. BSG again next year, Caprica, and now I guess there's something to look forward to.

(thread title taken from the image below, obviously created after the Farscape cancellation. I love South Park Scorpy)

Monday 18 August 2008

V 2008

Muddy. It was muddy, and wet, and cold, and I'm totally knackered. Worth it though :D Muse were absolutely awesome, as usual. I also met Fran Healy, lead singer of Travis. He really was a nice guy. He came down to a charity tent, to sign a card for Save the Children and have photos taken, but people were asking him if he was going to play acoustic. The charity must have got mixed up and advertised that he would, but he didn't know anything about it. Still, he said that if someone got him a guitar he'd play some songs. Being a festival, there are always people with guitars in their tents, so one arrived. He seemed surprised, but then asked if anyone had a plectrum. My sister always carries them, so she leant him one. He then played a few Travis songs, acoustic, to a crowd of maybe 100...if that. He was more than happy to have photos taken with anyone there, and sign stuff, on the condition that they helped out the charity. He really is a great guy. I can't see many other musicians taking time out to do that.

Other highlights included seeing the Kaiser Cheifs, Squeeze, The Stranglers, and I have to mention Muse again. Photo albums linked to below:

Album 1

Album 2

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Things I'm pissed off with right now

1) It's too hot in my bedroom.

2) There's a slight smell of cat poo coming up through my bedroom window.

3) I've been so uncomfortable at my own PC that I'm using the family one.

4) The stupid position of my PC has meant that I'm starting to get a callous on my wrist from the position I'm in to use my mouse. It's unpleasant.

5) ProBoards, and various related issues.

6) No mention of the conspiracy in The X Files film.

7) The fact that I'm pissed off suddenly when I otherwise had a good day.

8) The heat isn't good for Sonic.