Saturday 16 May 2009

So I've been marathoning Bad Girls again...

...and now I'm definitely noticing a decline in quality. Don't get me wrong, series 6 (I've watched from episode 3 to the end today) was still great and still worth watching, but I think they got rid of too many favourites from series 5 and earlier before 6 started, and many of the newer people aren't so likeable. Yvonne, Denny, Babs, Buki and Karen all gone. All with good reason, but did it have to be all at once? The Julies are the only original inmates still left in it, since Denny went. Her exit seemed kind of sudden, and a little unrealistic. However talented someone turned out to be, if they had a record of escape, would you send them to an open prison? Denny must have got a lot of extra time from the whole escaping thing too. Babs had a good ending to her story, but it would have been nicer to actually see her release. Same with Buki. She started off annoying, but you grew to like her. Her release was spoken about, but then she was just gone between series.

Yvonne's death was a great story, but I think the series suffered without her. Phyl playing "top dog"? Didn't seem right. The drug pushing thing makes them not so likeable too. Of the other new people, I did like Kris and Selena and their story, but I always had it in the back of my mind that I knew they would never get a proper conclusion. I know they aren't seen or heard from again after the series 6 finale. Darlene is annoying. Not a bad character, but not someone you can really like. Buxton makes a good baddie character, but we all want more nice ones too, and not just the mouthy young ones. The series is missing people like Nikki, Yvonne, Babs, Monica etc.

I also never got to like Myers much as governer. Fair and all that, and someone against Fenner, but I liked Karen. She was like Helen with more balls. Myers wasn't as likeable.

So yeah, still good at series 6, but I think I'll always prefer those first 3 series. Maybe 4 too, since it was good that Yvonne had time when she really was top dog. The high character turnover isn't helping. I think one of the things I do love about Bad Girls though is the fact that nothing is forgotten. I like continuous stories in anything, and Bad Girls forgets no one. When Karen thought she had Fenner cornered in series 5, she said she was doing it for Rachel Hicks, Nikki Wade, Helen Stewart and Shell Dockley. All characters from previous series who had been and gone ages ago, with the exception of Shell who was slightly more recent. The prisoners always mention previous characters too. Flowers sent from Crystal and Josh, and calling Monica, and using Nikki's name as a cover, and constantly mentioning Zandra as someone they miss.

The other good thing is that I know I'm now up to a point where I haven't seen them all. I've seen a lot more, but definitely not all. I'm glad I thought to rewatch this series.

Tuesday 12 May 2009

It's been a while since the last TV related post...

...and I've watched some pretty good stuff lately. Spoilers ahead.


After my BSG marathon, I was definitely ready for Caprica, and I wasn't disappointed. Different, and yet unmistakeably set in the same world. Joseph Adama was well cast, and you can see the things in him that you respect in the Admiral. This idea of the cylons coming from Graystone's desire to have his daughter back is an interesting one, and I like where it's going. I'm not sure how far it can go though. I see a story, but not a long one, unless they decide to skip several years and get nearer to the first Cylon War. I'm sure it won't disappoint though.

Worth mentioning the obvious Bear McCreary score. It was nice to hear Wander My Friends during an Adama family moment, and the taiko drums during the centaurian scenes. He says it'll get closer to BSG style music as they get closer to the events of BSG. Sounds good to me!

One thing I don't understand is how this will appeal to non-BSG fans. They say it's less sci-fi, and so will appeal to more people. They say that you won't need to have watched BSG to follow it. Yeah maybe, but I can't see why people would be all that interested if they hadn't watched BSG.


It's felt like it was on it's way out for a while. Kind of like The Simpsons. You know it's still hilarious, but there's something screaming that it's time to call it a day. And wow, they really did call it a day. That final episode was amazing. The perfect ending. I won't mind if it carries on though, in a different way with new people and new things happening, but it was certainly the end of the story as it is now. I loved the final few scenes. The bits that may happen in the future.

Also, Glenn Matthews? Haha, brilliant. "Hey Tommy".


I will cry if this is cancelled. Episode 11 was spoiled slightly by the fact that I thought it kind of obvious that Alan Tudyk would be Alpha. It was still exciting, but I thought it would be harder to guess. Maybe it's my own fault for reading too many internet spoilers and knowing Alpha would be revealed in that episode. Episode 12 though, that was something else. Dr Saunders has been an active all along?! Alpha was a killer (almost) before he was an active?! Ballard is going to work for the Dollhouse?! Ballard chose to save November over Echo?! Everything about this episode was exciting, and a great build up for future episodes. I really, really hope this gets another chance. I'm just not sure, because it's a strange series, and I reckon something of a cult thing.

Bad Girls

I know, this is a really random mention. I saw a Youtube clip several weeks ago now of an old episode, and suddenly I had a craving to watch them again, kind of like I did with At Home With the Braithwaites earlier in the year. Honestly, it's brilliant. It's brilliant because it feels real. Of course I don't know what it's like to be in prison, and I'm sure there isn't an evil screw in every one of them, but the characters are real. I honestly thing the Nikki/Helen story is one of the best love stories on tv, but even after they left, it continues to be an amazing series. I'm in season 5 now, and maybe it's waned a bit, but I'm enjoying watching it again.

Saturday 9 May 2009


Not really even half as confused about that thing, since someone else I know is more certain about certain things, and that's made me more certain about the opposite things. Aaanyway. New dilemmas arise. Is applying for this job the right move? What about the people at work I like and would miss so much? Should I give that up, just to go back to living where everyone but the family has forgotten me, or try and make a go of things here? Who knows!

Now playing: Death Cab for Cutie - Transatlanticism
via FoxyTunes