Friday 23 November 2007

Dr Cox and Lord Asriel

I had a good day today. Been seriously busy for the last 3 days, especially yesterday, but I've enjoyed the responsibility really. Pub lunch today too, but possibly the best bit was having my supervisor say well done, and being told that my learning contract was good and better than my last one. It's also been good to see that others have confidence in my competence. I actually feel like I've achieved a lot this week :D

And tonight I'm gonna watch Daniel Craig on Jonathan Ross, whilst having beer and pizza with my flatmate. Desperate to watch it because he'll be talking about Northern Lights (yes, I refuse to call it Golden Compass) which will be the film of the year, if it's anything like the book. I didn't think Daniel Craig was right for Lord Asriel, mostly because Jason Isaacs would be the perfect choice (Lucius Malfoy...he plays that role more like Lord Asriel then the Malfoy in the HP books) and because he just didn't seem to have that powerful presence that Asriel has. I've changed my mind though. He looks good in the trailer, and if he plays the part right he could be great. And he has that other thing working for him. Everyone knows, when they're reading it, that Lord Asriel is hot. Daniel Craig works :P

I'm sure that post title makes sense to anyone who watches Scrubs and can relate to wanting approval from a supervisor who rarely tells you how well you're doing :P

Now playing: Of Montreal - The Party's Crashing Us
via FoxyTunes

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