Sunday 27 April 2008

Dr Who Dream

Wow, I had an awesome dream. Basically, I was the Doctor's companion. The first I remember of it, we were in some weird place in the past. There was this hill/mountain we were on, and I think Stark might have been there, but I think we were more or less at the conclusion of whatever had been going on. We'd spent time in an old time village, and in an old fashioned pub, and somehow ended up on this hill, with caves and lava. We ended up running back to the tardis. Catherine Tate wasn't there, because she was visiting home, but there was some other guy. Sort of reminded me of Stark. He was from the past anyway, and we'd just picked him up that day. Before we got back in the tardis, a good guy we'd just helped on the hill (like I said, that was the conclusion of a story I don't remember) had spoken about a new employer who had just shown up. I wish I could remember the name. I want to say Hudson? Him and his industry were new to the area anyway, but me and The Doctor recognised the name. He was the bad guy we'd just defeated on modern day Earth. Oh yeah, I forgot to say that even though we were in the past, I'm not sure this place I was was Earth.

Me and the Doctor and our other companion had a chat in the tardis, then got out of it somewhere underground, sort of like that volcano episode. We followed a tunnel, then climbed out of a vertical hole. We walked for a bit to the edge of a treeline, and saw a very modern building that didn't go with the setting. There were some people in the distance who looked dressed for modern times too. For some reason, even though they were distant, we could hear them pretty well. One was clearly the bad guy we'd thought dead on Earth, and he was the guy who plays Charles Widmore on Lost. We heard him saying that he'd seen something in our direction, and for his men to check it out. We ran back along the trees and down the hole, but the other companion didn't make it. On the way, we'd passed the bad guy's daughter. She was sort of on our side, and not there to give us up. I think the other companion, who was no longer Stark-like but an older, well dressed guy, was talking to her. We were down the hole and just in the tardis in time before the henchmen showed up. The Doctor then started up, and I had a go at him for leaving the other guy behind. He said that he lived near here (he had once worked for the bad guy) and he'd be okay. I told him that he picks and chooses who to save and when. He said he needed me there to help him with decisions, but right now we had to go.

The next bits don't seem as related. I was looking at a list of episodes to see when Martha and Rose were coming back. The Doctor was taking the piss out of Martha somehow. Then we were in an office, ready to discuss what to do next, and Gemma and someone else I know (maybe Kayleigh?) was there. There was a similar list on the wall, saying Luis Amor Rodriguez would be returning later in the season. Yes, Luis from Dream Team. The Doctor laughed at his fake accent, and me and Gemma talked about how we'd liked him.

The fun bit of the dream is the interaction between me and David Tennant in the tardis. That was awesome.

On another note, I'm still obsessed with Farscape, and I keep skipping images in my rotating desktop to see the Scorpy pictures :P

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