Thursday 25 September 2008

More complaints about people

I wish everyone saw things as I did. I think I treat people okay, most of the time, and it makes me sad that other people don't. Well, something happened, and it made me look at someone in a way I don't want to look at them, considering some other stuff which is going to happen. I can't really say what it's about, because even though they won't find this blog, it doesn't seem right to share this time. I just wish a certain person hadn't acted the way they did.

Slightly different, but I also regret the way I've acted to a certain person over the last few months. Yes, they talk about themselves a hell of a lot, but I've still been more short tempered than I should have been with someone who didn't deserve it. Sorry mate.

Aimed at yet another person, I though there was a chance you were missing any Facebook messages I sent, but I doubt that someone who keeps her phone with her at all times would miss a text. Wtf did I do? Maybe I should just forget yet another person I used to know.

Wednesday 17 September 2008

"You've never seen There's Something About Mary? You're kidding, everyone has seen that!"

And now so have I, and it's really not that special. I wonder why people talk about it like it is, and are so shocked when you say you've not seen it compared to other stuff in that genre. It's alright, and mildly amusing, but I prefer 50 First Dates as far as those trashy American romcoms go.

Monday 15 September 2008

Dr. Horrible and other things from the telebox

I think it's time to have one of those long rambly posts again, after some short and unpleasant ones. It'll have the usual structure of my tv related posts, with subheadings so that anyone who might be reading can skip the bits they totally don't care about.

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

This was brilliant. Absolutely brilliant, in the truest sense of the word. Joss Whedon is possibly a genius. I wasn't entirely sure what to expect, but I had high hopes after reading everything Whedon said about how he made it and why it was made. The songs reminded me of the musical Buffy episode, and also I guess of Sweeney Todd. It was hilariously funny in parts ("The hammer is my penis" - I laughed so much) while still being semi-serious, and then the ending was really sad and really not how I expected it to be.

I think it's a real shame that this isn't available in the UK yet. It's not on the iTunes store, and although apparently it was available internationally on the website, it no longer is. I will definitely be buying this when it becomes available, but if they want it to do well in the UK, they need to make it available pretty soon. I bought the soundtrack anyway, so I don't feel guilty about how I obtained the film. The soundtrack itself is amazing, and I've been listening to it over and over since I bought it yesterday afternoon. I think £7.99, the normal price of a normal album, is a bit steep for an album no longer than my bus journey to town, but it is fantastic. I might watch it again later :D


So this isn't new, but I've been rewatching Firefly. It's been a while, and I caught some on tv the other day. I persuaded my dad that it was good, and we marathoned a bit this weekend. It really does baffle me thinking how this got cancelled. It's original, it's funny, and it's entertaining. The plot is great, the characters are interesting, and I don't think there's another sci-fi like it. I'll say it again, Joss Whedon is a genius. It's a crime that these characters didn't get a good conclusion. Well, Serenity is a good film, but this story deserved more. Serenity told a small story, and this deserved a few seasons of development. Maybe I'll get the comics, but I'm not really a comic person. I want a tv continuation.

I think one of my favourite things about Firefly is the language. The Chinese thrown into sentences, evolution of words like "shiny", and just the way they speak in general. "No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Stargate Atlantis

I may have said this in a previous post, but season 5 is awesome. Way better than 4, and some of the best episodes are showing up here. Whispers was really something special, I thought. Creepy, and I'd go as far as to say scary. It had that problem though that I've moaned about on many occasions, in that the team were split and it only focussed on a couple of main characters. Sheppard was there, and McKay was briefly there, and then there was Beckett, who I guess I still see as a main character. If this was a one off, it would have been a good one to focus on another team with minimal main characters. It isn't a one off though. They do this too much now. It was a problem for me in later SG1s, and it's been a problem since Atlantis season 4. If it had been a one off, then like I say, this is one where it wouldn't have mattered. It was interesting to see the all female team, and clever that Vega was killed off. I don't know why, but Wikipedia and other sites seemed to be making a big deal of her involvment in this, and her introduction earlier in the season. I thought she could be another secondary character, similar to Lorne. Nope, killed by monsters. I like monster episodes. The alien one of season 3, can't remember what it was called but it was episode 19 I think, was really awesome, and this was just as good.

This week's episode, The Queen, was also pretty good. I like Todd the wraith, but I can't help thinking that they've done something stupid by trusting him and making him leader of that wraith alliance. I guess Teyla is still in control though, since she can go back at any time and get him kicked out. I like Todd as in insight into what the wraith really are though. They aren't just monsters who want to kill. They need to feed. Todd does seem to want to make things better for them. It's interesting anyway, and I enjoyed this episodes. What I didn't enjoy was the trailer for next week's. It made out that someone will die. Not sure that they will, but I'll be gutted if Keller dies.

Now playing: Neil Patrick Harris - Brand New Day
via FoxyTunes

Friday 12 September 2008

It just hit me

He's really gone. Some people don't get how much pets can mean, but I don't really care what they think. I was devastated the day my cat died, but since the day itself, it's been hard to really comprehend. Today I really know he's gone. 15 years of my 22, and he's not here anymore. It's horrible :(

Thursday 4 September 2008


So much to write, but I don't really want to go into any of it. Yes, I have a job now. I'll be moving in the next few weeks. I'll write some more about that some other time.

Quick note to say that I've finally seen every episode (so far) of Stargate Atlantis. I don't know why I didn't just download Underground myself after the disc I was given had dodgy sound, but I got round to watching it on tv today. I just need to acquire the SG1 episode I haven't seen (I think there's just one) and I'll really have completion :P