Sunday 20 September 2009

How could you, Joss Whedon?

I just watched the Buffy episode called "Seeing Red". For those who don't remember, this is the one where Tara dies, and I'm really upset!

I remember being upset the first time around, but not as much. The first time through Buffy, I was more of an Oz fan. Willow and Oz seemed to belong together. It wasn't that I didn't like Tara, but I really liked Oz, and I wasn't sure how I felt about Willow choosing her when Oz came back. Obviously the relationship grew on me over time, but this time I saw more clearly how Tara was Willow's "one".

The worst part is that it's like no one ends up with who they should be with, in Buffy or Angel. Buffy herself should have been with Spike, in my opinion. Obvious pairing is Angel, but I felt that they both changed when Angel left, and Angel and Cordelia made a lot more sense. I almost thought Spike was better than Angel. Angel was cursed with a soul as a punishment. Spike went and got his back of his own accord, because he loved Buffy. Xander should have been with Anya, and she died. Willow should have ended up with Tara, not Kennedy. Faith...well I guess she was the one with the good ending. In Angel, Wesley and Fred didn't get a happy ending, and neither did anyone else.

Joss Whedon doesn't seem to like people ending up happy at all. Zoe and Wash (*cry*), Mal and Inara, Dr Horrible and Penny. I guess Kaylee and Simon got together, which is something. I'm worried for anyone who dares start up any kind of romance in Dollhouse.

Seriously though, it's still all great, but I'm still upset!

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