Friday 8 February 2008

Hahaha, oops.

I just did something so stupid, that if it wasn't an embarrassing subject I'd post it at PBS. Not that I did it, although that is pretty shameful, but it's just...embarrassing stuff. Basically, I wanted to wash my lab coat on a high temperature white wash, hotter than I usually do for whites. I know I know I shouldn't wash my lab coat in the regular washing machine everyone else uses. It hasn't been in contact with dangerous organisms at all though, since it's my uni one and not a work one, and I was washing at 90C anway so it's not a big deal. Anyway, thought I might as well stick some other whites in too. Went down to the shower after they'd been in a while, and the machine was making an odd clunking noise. Ignored it mostly while I showered, then went to get the stuff out because the clunking didn't stop. One of the things I'd put in had metal bits on, and I dunno if the metal bits had expanded in the heat, but 2 of them were stuck in the little holes water drains out of. Took a lot of pulling out too! I can't believe I was stupid enough to put them in in the first place. The worst part is that one bit is still missing, meaning it probably went through holes. I have no idea where that will be, and I so hope it doesn't wreck the washer completely. I was gonna do a colour wash after, so I was the next one who used it and could see what the effects were, but the guy downstairs has already put his stuff in. Looks okay so far. I've decided not to tell anyone else unless the washer actually breaks :P

The thing is, I can't stop laughing at the stupidity of it. I've wrecked some clothing, possibly the washer we all have to use, and it's hilarious. This is my first washing accident in four years of doing my own washing all the time though, which isn't bad!

Now playing: Kasabian - Empire
via FoxyTunes

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