Friday 15 February 2008

I spoke in a lecture

I didn't check what my last post was before starting this. I think it was one where I wrote about drifting apart from old friends, and moaned about them not coming out. Well in the end, we did go out. It was nice to see people, just a shame about the crappy music.

So what's happened since? Lab work, and a bloody lot of it. Monday, Tuesday, and till rather late on Wednesday. There have also been pissy notes on the fridge from some 21 year old first year who can't work a washing machine, and yet feels the need to tell everyone (even though it's clearly her ditzy fresher mate) that they need to clean up after themselves. It's like M said though, we don't have to give a shit what these freshers think. We'll never see them again. To us, it's just getting through the final semester.

The title. I went to a lecture today, and I knew about the stuff it covered before I got there. I didn't find out anything I didn't already know. Aaaand I answered a question. I've never called out an answer in the 3 and a half years I've had at uni. This is a big deal :P I knew what it was, and no one else was saying it. I also knew I could answer the 2 example exam questions she showed us with ease. This could be a good module.

I have to talk about some television while I'm here too. Firstly, I'll mention Torchwood. I've got so into it recently. This weeks episodes were fantastic. I won't spoil it for people who haven't seen it, but the twist at the end of Reset made me cry.

Enterprise season 3. Does T'Pol really have to be naked all the time? This series has had some fantastic episodes (even though it moved very suddenly from the atmosphere of the first 2 seasons, rather than the gradual change DS9 had with the Dominion war) and I am enjoying it, but the naked T'Pol thing is irritating. Oh, and I just watched Damage. Bad, bad Archer. I don't like my leaders to made immoral decisions. The only person I can forgive for that is Adama. BSG has special circumstances :P

Now playing: Oasis - To Be Someone
via FoxyTunes

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