Tuesday 25 March 2008

Unexplained bad mood

I'm annoyed, for no good reason. I'm going back to Hull tomorrow, but I didn't book my ticket in time so I didn't get a cheap one. My fault, no reason to be annoyed. It's not the end of the world anyway.

Okay, maybe there is a reason. Maybe it's my last post. I have nothing going on in my life, so I blog about what I see on TV. I guess being round my dad's tonight illustrated just how much I depend on stuff like TV and internet to escape reality. Maybe I should cut down on the stuff I watch. Or maybe I should just enjoy what I enjoy and get on with it. What You Leave Behind was fantastic, as usual, last night :P

But no, I guess the feeling of having nothing good going on mostly came when my birthday was brought up. I don't want to force celebrations. Why do I want to celebrate with people I don't talk to that often otherwise? I don't want any kind of celebration with family either. I'd rather just forget the whole thing. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind getting the odd gift, but I don't want any fuss.

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