Monday 5 January 2009

Broken Resolutions

Well, not entirely, but I think the fact that I'm bothered by the lack of a text message reply is a bit of a step backwards. It's like this person waits until I've moved on and forgotten about them, then has to remind me, then act all distant and uncontactable again. They remember I exist for a brief moment then forget me all over again. I could be wrong. Could be that I'm the only one of their old friends they still contact and I should feel special or something. Still, I wish we could either be friends or just lose touch entirely. I'll never be the one to cut off though. Stupid me.


Anonymous said...

You should talk to the person! It may seem desperate or petty to do such a thing, but you might as well ask them where you stand. Then you'll either gain a better friend or lose a lack of friend. It'd be good closure.

Helen said...

Trust me, it's way more complicated than that :P Talking to someone who picks and chooses then they're available to talk to isn't that easy. Seeing the person also isn't that easy if they dislike their hometown so much that they rarely go there. Oh well...I'd actually forgotten about it till I came back to my blog. I'm less bothered than I sounded in the post now :P

Anonymous said...

mkay. Nevermind then. :P