Sunday 2 August 2009

So who should I be pissed off at?

There are two people I was out with the other night, one I've only met recently and the other I've known for a few months and thought was a decent friend. Now I'm not sure which one of them I should be annoyed with over something. We'll call them Jack (guy I've known a while) and Jill (new person I've known a few weeks).

I won't deny that at times there has been a slight attraction to Jack. I dunno what it is, but he's been pretty good to me, and he's a funny guy. We'll only ever be friends and that really is all I want anyway, but I won't deny that there was a brief attraction. Not recently though. I see him more as a mate, and his personality really is not remotely compatible with mine. Also reminds me slightly of an ex with his constant talking about sex and innuendo and all that. It's too much sometimes. Also has a complete lack of ambition, which is really unattractive to me.

Aaanyway, that's where I'm coming from with Jack. There's a lot of banter between us and it's a laugh. The other night though, Jill told me that Jack had said that I wanted him, and would sleep with him, but he wouldn't with me. She backed this up by saying that when he first told her, she didn't know who I was, and he had to point me out a couple of days later. Now, I remember that happening. I didn't know why he was pointing me out but I know he did, and just shrugged it off.

This bothered me. Jack says that Jill is winding me up and he didn't say that, and was laughing at how gullible I am. I can't see why Jill would though since we're not really good friends yet. I couldn't work out if she was lying or not though. The thing is, it was a pretty harsh way of saying it. I want him but he wouldn't. If it came from him, it makes me look pretty pathetic, even if he only ever meant it as one of his usual sex related jokes. If it came from her, it's a really harsh thing to say to my face that Jack just wouldn't go there with me.

I don't want anything from Jack and my previous brief thing for him, which totally isn't there anymore, isn't really relevant...especially since I really really have not let on at all (I never, ever do with anyone I'm interested in). It's just that I think that whichever one has made this up is making me look stupid somehow. Making me look pathetic. Maybe it's just another stupid joke. I mean Jack is always saying he's irresistible and all that jokey stuff, and it's funny, but to say he wouldn't with me even though I wanted it seems harsh. Harsher if it's an out of the blue thing from Jill though.

I don't think I like Jill, and this time I don't think it's just a bad first impression. As it happens, I had a pretty good first impression of her, and a bad one of her friend. Her friend is awesome though and I'm glad I know her, but there's something about Jill. Jack...well now I know I'm 100% not interested at all. There's something quite unattractive about his personality that I didn't quite understand before. Whether or not this thing was from him or not, I see it now.

I wish I met nice people. Not people to date I mean, just people in general. Nice friends. That'd be a change.

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