Tuesday 20 May 2008


Since last posting, I've finished season 7 of Scrubs and season 4 of Desperate Housewives. Scrubs, as usual, was great. I think it's lost something in humour from the last season, but it's still good. Hopefully the next one will be too. Desperate Housewives was fantastic. I mean really, really fantastic. 4 has been as good as 1, and that's saying something. 5 years in the future, Gabby has kids? Susan isn't with Mike?!? So will the next series be set 5 years after the events of the last? Shocking.

This week has been awesome for tv watching. After the amazingness of the Lost episode I saw Friday, I didn't think anything else would compare. Battlestar Galactica was equally as shocking though. Where have they jumped to?! And the use of the song throughout was great too. That, and Desperate Housewives too. Shocking television. Oh, and Dr Who was great too. Series 4 of the newer ones could turn out to be the best.

I've also been doing a lot of Stargating. SG1 season 6 and Atlantis season 3. Apparently it's what they all do round my dad's house these days. Strange that everyone is hooked, but good strange. Even my brother is really into it, saying he prefers Atlantis. Good times.

I'm actually enjoying being here. I don't have much to do in the daytime, but that doesn't bother me. It's nice to relax on my own here, without feeling like I'm treading on egg shells. I still don't enjoy the constant presence of my dad's girlfriend, and I find it hard to respect someone with so little independence (that's how she looks to me), but she's a nice person and I things are just more easy going here than at my mum's. Still, I won't be able to tolerate it for much longer, so I'll be back round my mum's tomorrow I think.

One of the worst things about being here is the lack of my PC. I'm confined to my dad's laptop. Round my mum's, I have the family PC. Not as good, but better than the laptop. Both are better than being around Catherine the idiot in Hull right now though.

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