Tuesday 13 May 2008

This week, I have been mostly watching...

Okay, not this week, but imagine it in Fast Show style :P This is just the usual rambling post about what I've been watching lately. I'll go with the subtitled format again.


Heroes season 2 started a few weeks back. Some people told me that I really shouldn't bother and it's really crap. I've read a lot of bad reviews. After thinking the season 1 finale was ace, I wasn't going to miss season 2 because other people didn't like it. I'm glad I didn't! It's not the greatest thing I've ever seen, but then Heroes never has been. There are some massively annoying things, like what's-his-name from Enterprise doing a terrible Irish accent and slipping in "so I will" in an effort to sound more Irish. The new characters are also fairly annoying, since I'd rather they focussed on the originals and introduced new people as a consequence than just start following others. Micah's cousin...do we care about her? Those hispanic people who's names I haven't cared to remember...I'm just not bothered. Okay so they've just met Sylar, bringing them into the main story, but it just hasn't been interesting to follow them before that point, when you'd rather see what the season 1 folks are doing.

Despite the annoying bits though, the story is good. Virus, The Company, Parkman's dad, the Bennetts in hiding. It's not half as bad as I was told.


Lost is getting really, really interesting. There's been the odd thing I've not liked in season 4, like seeing Jack and Kate ending up together in the future (even though it clearly doesn't last based on the flash forward order), and like Ben letting his daughter die and threatening revenge on Widmore, and like Sayeed being an assassin. Just because I don't like them, doesn't mean they aren't really interesting developments though. This week, and Locke's great destiny, was even more shocking. And wtf is Christian Sheppard doing alive and on the island, and why isn't Claire bothered by it's weirdness? And why did the guy who works for Widmore tell Locke to go on the walkabout? Season 4 has been fantastic for revelations, and even answers. Obviously there are a load more questions, but you feel like it's going somewhere now. Can't wait for the finale. Oh, but that thing about Locke saying he wants to move the island. Noah's Island anyone?

Battlestar Galactica

Awesome. It really is. I don't think season 4 has blown me away as much as early season 3 did. Possibly because it's taken place over a period of months rather than weeks/days. It has been pretty shocking though. Fantastic revelations, and with next week's being a two parter, I'd imagine that some awesome things are about to happen, including the reawakening of D'Anna. Why though, is Kara the harbinger of death? Intriguing!

Dr. Who

The biggest problem I've always had with watching the new Dr. Who is the lack of continual stories. There are threads that link things together, like Rose's reappearances etc, but it's just random stories. Every story is great, and every episode this series has been pretty fantastic. It's just that the stuff I get addicted to and get really bothered about watching every week is the stuff with a continuous story arc.

Now that complaining is out of the way, I'll say again that this series has had some fantastic episodes. Donna is great, simply because she's not in love with the Doctor. Rose and the Doctor was a believable connection, and something you know would never have happened, but was sad because of that. Martha just fancied him, and it was silly. Donna is refreshing because she's confident, strong willed and not some little girl who follows him around. It's a bit irritating when Catherine Tate slips into "am I bovvered?" mode, but I still like her. We've had some good stories this series, with the Ood and Sontarans, and I enjoyed this last episode with his daughter. Possible future companion?

My favourite part of that episode occurs after General Cobb shoots and kills Jenny, when the rest of them have decided to make peace. The Doctor takes a gun, puts it to his head, then hands it back to him and shouts "I never would". He tells them to remember that he never would, and to build their society thinking about the man who never would. My favourite thing about the Doctor is that he never would. Most other lead characters in TV series I watch would consider it, including Starfleet captains, but not the Doctor.

I was also going to comment on Desperate Housewives, but I can't really be bothered, and I'd rather go watch the next episode instead. Other things about TV: I've got over watching random Farscape clips now, but I'm feeling DS9 withdrawal. Why? Because I've been watching some epic season 5 and 6 episodes with my sister. Now I want to keep going. Oh well, I should really revise.

Now playing: Will Young - Who Am I
via FoxyTunes

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