Friday 14 November 2008

This is how I escape

This week has been really hard. Well, the last few have, but this one included a funeral. I think the best way for me to deal with that is to escape into fantasy worlds. So this is what I've been watching.


Heroes is usually just that average thing I watch. Not amazingly fantastic, and not a patch on things like Lost, even though it follows the same finding a small bit out at a time formula. Still, I think it's really become something great lately. This last episode, Villains, was brilliant. If I was to pick the main villains before this season, I'd have said Sylar, Angela Petrelli, Adam Monroe and Linderman, and he's dead. Now we know that Bennett pushed Sylar over the edge at a time when he could still be saved, and Angela was sometimes being controlled and sometimes acting to stop her husband. Arthur Petrelli is definitely going to make things more interesting. I'm kinda disappointed about Bennett, but it was still a really good twist. I'm actually excited about the next episode, because I really have no idea where this is going.


This continues to be interesting. I just hope Anton doesn't end up killed or leaving at the end of the season or whatever, like Deb's previous love interests. I'm still enjoying the Miguel Prado story.

Stargate Atlantis

You know, it's really sad. I think Atlantis has run it's course, and they're ending it at the right time. It really sucks that I finally think that. Last week's episode was really good. Exciting, action packed, featured Shepperd's team heavily, had a part for Woolsey, great to see Michael back, and great dramatic fight on the outside of Atlantis. So what didn't I like? Starting with the smallest thing, no Keller. What was the point of putting her on the credits?! And now for the biggest bit I didn't like. This was far too brief a wrap up for Michael. There was no build up to this episode, and then Michael was defeated by being kicked off a ledge. Revenge. I hate revenge in characters I like, including Teyla.

Michael has been the main villain on Atlantis since his first appearance. Well, the main individual, so not counting generic wraith or replicators. They've mentioned him this season, but since the beginning, no sightings of him. Nothing featuring him. Not even any contact with his men. When SG1 had Anubis as their main enemy, he was in a handful of episodes during seasons, but there was also evidence of his plans, and attacks from his Kull warriers. Nothing from Michael other than talk of what he did before, and the effects of the Hoffan drug. I dunno, I guess for me it was just a bit of an anti-climax.

This kind of episode is why I think maybe Atlantis has run it's course. Good, but lacking something. Atlantis peaked in season 3, which was just brilliant from start to finish. Seasons 4 and 5 have had some great episodes, but on the whole haven't been so good. The team isn't always together, and the back end of the season isn't living up to expectations. Mind you, season 10 of SG1 had a disappointing second half after a brilliant first half. Anyway, I'll stop complaining, because I still love Atlantis and a massive part of me still doesn't want it to end. I just wish it could have ended better.

Mamma Mia! The Movie

I'll mention a film now I'm done with TV. Mamma Mia. Wow. Just wow. This film was fantastic, and now I'm addicted to the soundtrack, and to general ABBA songs. It's cheesey, but it's brilliant feel good stuff. The songs are great, and I think I like the less discoey versions in the film more than the ABBA songs in some cases. Meryl Streep was a great choice for the main part, but it's the blokes who make the film. Colin Firth has a weird voice, Pierce Brosnan clearly struggles to sing, and although Stellan Skarsgard is a bit better, none of them are singing stars. Still, it makes it so much better in my opinion. They sound like normal blokes who just decide to sing. Also, there's just something genius about having Pierce Brosnan singing SOS. Well, about having James Bond sing ABBA in general. Genius, and definitely hot, as strange as that sounds. Haha, <3 Pierce Brosnan.

Now playing: Oasis - Pass Me Down The Wine
via FoxyTunes


DW said...

Sorry you're having a bad week. Here are some of the shows I watch to feel better: Heroes - I like it because I have no idea which direction it is going in, and enjoy being surprised; House - I don't know why but I enjoy a**hole characters, and House can definitely be one at times; and Survivor, because I know I could do better than a few of those smucks. :)

Jason said...

hi helen. i'm jason / aether! Its good to see that you got through your week. I agree with Bill. House is awesome.

Helen said...

Hey, thanks for the comments. I've just never really been interested in House though. Dunno why...although it's always weird seeing Hugh Lawrie being American.