Sunday 30 November 2008

Update time

I've not been updating so much recently, but I feel like a lot has happened. This post is about stuff that's happened rather than one thing in general. Finished this post well over a week after I started too.

Firstly, the other weekend I went to my sister's on the Friday so we could go see Thunder in Manchester on the Saturday. I'll get to Thunder next, but Friday night was pretty awesome too. Got to her house, went shopping and bought studenty food and booze, went back and ate, then spent the whole night watching music videos and playing Guitar Hero and drinking. I properly regressed into student mode and started making up Snakebites too. Oh how I miss that kind of random hanging out session, and just being a student in general. Still, didn't feel the same the next morning. Woke up not really hungover, but feeling like I'd had a few. It was freezing because they're too poor to have the heating on all the time, downstairs was a huge mess of cans from the previous night that no one had cleaned up, the kitchen was a state and the bathrooms...I don't even want to go there. Proper student living...and I don't miss that.

So then Saturday night we went to Manchester. Wow. Thunder were just so much better than I expected. I've heard great things about them live, and liked the songs I knew, but they really blew me away. All the songs are a million times better live. The singer has so much energy, and I've never seen a band get the crowd going like that. That was my third time at Manchester Academy, and the only time I've seen it totally sold out. Absolutely amazing gig. I bought some Thunder albums afterwards too, and the new album is great. Everyone listen to the album "Bang!" for free on Last FM.

After that another tough week at work happened, and then there was another weekend. And a payday! Of course I spent my money wisely and saved as much as I could, and also paid off my debt to my dad. HAHA NO. I bought a Wii! Best decision ever. It's fantastic. I got the console and Mario Kart. So worth it. Good times.

On to the next weekend. I went to my Mum's for a few days, including Monday and Tuesday since I'd booked them off work. I enjoyed being at home for a while, and not feeling like I had responsibilities. It was nice to have the cats around, and to have meals cooked for me, and to have Sky, and to just be able to relax. Sucks that I don't have many friends queuing up to see me back there, but oh well. Bumped into someone from school in town, and she's not really talking to any of our old lot either. Generally a good weekend though, and I'm glad I had those days off work.

Saying that, work has been okay this week. Oddly quieter, especially today. It's been nice chatting to some of the people there, especially the one from my old lab. Funny to get the gossip, and find out that little has changed. All in all I had a pretty good day today, and I intend to have a good weekend finishing my Christmas shopping and Wiiing.

Edit: Hey, the date says the 3oth of November, but this is actually going out on the 12th of December. Stupid delay.

Now playing: Thunder - Carol Ann
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Jason said...

hi helen. Sounds like you had good fun! I'm just commenting because I'm bored and I saw the link to your blog on PBS.