Thursday 6 November 2008

Television, webcomics, music and maybe other things

The last couple of weeks haven't been that great, so I haven't said anything, and I probably won't talk about that much at all. Bad times. Instead, here's where I'm up to TV wise, followed by some comments about other media stuff.


I'm so surprised that in season 3, this can still be so exciting. I didn't think they could take this serial killer as the main character thing on for a long time without being too repetitive, but that's not happening at all. I guess 12 episode seasons really are a good idea sometimes.

Anyway, Miguel Prado is a really interesting character. He knows Dexter kills, but thinks it's the right thing to do? My prediction is that he's going to do something against the code, and Dexter will have to kill him. I dunno. It can't be as straight forward as him just being cool with Dexter killing. Great twist though, having him know. I'm not sure who the skinner will end up being yet. It's out of character for Miguel, and I don't think it's Ramon. The new detective is a possibility, although maybe a little too easy. I just really hope it's not that Anton guy.

In conclusion, this is one of the best things on tv at the moment. I just found out that there will definitely be two more seasons, so I hope they manage to keep it fresh for all that time, and Dexter getting away with things doesn't always become way too convenient.

Desperate Housewives

Another one of the best things showing at the moment. Season 4 managed to be as good and as exciting as season 1, and 5 is easily keeping up. The five years later thing was a great idea, and I really like the Dave character. I think he's going to end up being after Orson. They're making it look like Mike, but Orson was also in prison, and it could have been him involved in Dave's brother's death. Either way, I'm really enjoying it. I wish Susan and Mike would hurry up and get back together though. I'll feel a bit cheated if they never do, and I think many fans will, so I don't really think I want to see him with Katherine.

Stargate Atlantis

I can't remember when I last said something about Atlantis. I think I mentioned the one Daniel Jackson was in, but if ASGARD! One of the best twists ever on Stargate. The episode after that was pretty good, because it was very old school Atlantis. Sort of like season 1 or 2, when the team being all together on random planets was more regular. Nice to see Beckett back in the gang, although it's still a bit odd that he's the clone and not the guy who died in Sunday. It was a little bit disappointing that Sheppard didn't care about blowing up the bad villagers at the end, but I guess maybe he didn't know that guy would go with the wraith? Who knows, but it was a good episode.

The next episode...I'm not so sure. Don't get me wrong, I like a good clip show, but this late on in the final ever season? Not a great plan. The idea behind it wasn't that bad, although it's been done before in several other sci-fi series. Not the same circumstances, but putting the good guys on trial for their actions. It was more interesting in the fact that the prosecutors were pretty much right, as funny as that is. I think the only good thing to come out of the episode was the awesomeness of Woolsey, who like Carter, has been tragically underused this season. Robert Picardo is a great actor, and Woolsey a great character. The episode was wrapped up too fast though, and we could have done with some more of his awesome. I look forward to the next episode though, since I think Michael will be back. It sucked not having a new one last week though. Also, I'm very, very disappointed that there's going to be 3 weeks between episodes 19 and 20 now. Very disappointed. American tv stations generally suck.


I don't think I've written in my blog about Fringe yet. This is definitely worth a mention. I see it as something in between Lost, because of all the mystery elements and the things going on in the background we don't understand yet, and The X Files, in the way that they're investigating these things and it's clear that people pretty high up are involved in some kind of conspiracy type thing. Still, it works, and part of that reason is the cast. Anna Torv is pretty good, Joshua Jackson is surprisingly good and I rarely think of Pacey (come on, I have to sometimes though...he was Pacey!), but John Noble is awesome. I assumed he'd be playing some kind of authoritarian genious professor, with bits of Denethor in him. Crazy mad scientist is so much more awesome than that.

The only problem I have with Fringe is that I can see it's going to be months/years before we find out what's going on. I hope it manages to stay exciting, because at the moment I think it's something really worth watching.

Dr Who

Well, this isn't about episodes, but more that David Tennant is leaving :( I wish they hadn't told us, and it'd been a total shock, but more than that I wish he wasn't leaving! He's been perfect for the role, and I was hoping he'd do it for years to come. I have no clue at all who they'll pick for the next one. I hope it's someone older, since they've done the whole having a younger hot guy playing him now, and the younger audience is well and truly hooked. A black/Asian/non-British actor would be a new way to go.


And so we move on to webcomics. I think I wanted to say something about xkcd because I'm almost disappointed with it lately. It's hardly ever unfunny, but some of the more recent ones have been more mildly amusing than hilarious. The last couple of week specials haven't been so great either. I dunno, I hate to complain because it's usually just so good. I still want to buy the height poster and the science tshirt. I still think it's awesome, I just wish every comic was still awesome.

Questionable Content

I really don't know why I'm that addicted to this. I have to read it every day, even though it's hardly the best thing around. I guess the overall stories are usually good, and I want to find out what's going on like it's a soap or something. Sometimes it's really funny, other times it's just a story I like, and other times it's actually pretty crap. My biggest issue with it is the fact that the writer is a bloke who thinks like a bloke. The girls don't talk or act like girls. Now I do realise that not all girls are the same, and I'm not all that girly myself, but I just don't hear girls talking about sex in the way that they do. I guess I like it a lot more when that kind of stuff isn't going on.

Cyanide and Happiness

Some of these are just too funny. Absolutely hilarious. Some are just way over the line and actually disgusting. Those ones seem kinda forced, like how can we do something offensive and line crossing today? Again, I still like it though. Just not so much as more light hearted stuff like xkcd. That's adult in a good way, not adult in the way where you'd be mega upset if your kids saw it.


Haha, just one heading that's music related, because I honestly can't remember what I was going to say about music. I've been listening to a lot of Oasis, and a lot of Bright Eyes too when I wasn't feeling so good. Oh, and I'm really looking forward to seeing Thunder this month, so I hope I can go.

Now playing: Stiff Little Fingers - Listen
via FoxyTunes

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