Monday 30 March 2009

New Sci-fi?

I was looking up some stuff about Dollhouse today, and I came across an interesting article. "What show is your new Battlestar?" BSG is over, Atlantis is over, the new Star Trek film just won't be Star I do need new sci-fi.

Stargate Universe sounds more interesting the more I hear about it. That article says that it'll be the "gritty" Stargate. More like BSG. It's funny that it keeps getting compared to Voyager, but in the sense that it'll be darker and more character based than SG1 and Atlantis, it could turn out to be the DS9 of the Stargate franchise. That will certainly be no bad thing. I'm still a little wary of the fact that they're aiming it at a younger audience, but Robert Carlyle is a great casting choice and I'm sure it won't make much difference. Oh, and it's also great to read that Richard Dean Anderson may appear in the mid season two parter!

Virtuality is another show mentioned in that article that really sounds interesting. Okay so Ronald D.Moore writing it does have something to do with my opinion there, but the idea is definitely good. People going mad on a ship, written by him, sounds like it will definitely be worth watching.

The other one I'm interested in is obviously Caprica. How it all began! Caprica should be interesting if nothing else. My only concern is that they say you won't have to have watched BSG to follow it.

Three new series to look forward to, and The Plan at the end of the year too!

Friday 27 March 2009

Other television

Time for a post BSG post, mostly because I'm on my second day off sick and I've been catching up on things. Obvious spoilers ahead.


My problem with Heroes is that it seems like they make it up as they go along. All my favourite shows seem like they knew where it was going from the start, even if they didn't. BSG, Farscape, DS9...the continuing story always made sense and flowed well. They hadn't decided that Ellen Tigh was the final cylon until they started writing season 4, but you can believe that they'd known since day 1. Heroes just seems so unstructured. Changing who does and doesn't have powers, changing the nature of people's powers, not being consistent with people's characters. I enjoy every episode, but the overall story is lacking something. It needs more focus, and to feel like it's really going somewhere. Also, they really need to give Peter and Hiro their proper powers back. I don't like that direction.

Desperate Housewives

In contrast, I love where this is going. Edie's death was a little predictable, since I knew she was leaving. I expected Dave to kill her though, and it almost would have been better if he had. As it is, we still get to have some kind of climax where everyone else finds out about Dave's past and the thing with Mike all comes out. It's a real shame that Edie's gone though. Definitely one of the best characters. All in all this series has been pretty good, and my only fault is that the American networks are being stupid, as usual. Episode, break, episode, longer break, episode. break. It's frustrating, and it can't be good for ratings.


While I do think that Scrubs has gone on for a couple of seasons too long, I'm still enjoying this season. It does seem a bit final, and I hope that ends up being the case. It would be too strange without Zach Braff. It's still funny, and maybe even as funny as it ever was, but it isn't quite the same. I think it's really noticable that there are episodes where not every character is there, and I don't like that.


The more I watch it, the more it grows on me. Helo (as he will always be, screw Paul Ballard) is a great character, and Eliza Dushku does a great job being someone else every week. This week's big twist was that Helo's neighbour is a sleeper active. I did not see that coming, and it's kinda sad that he's getting involved with someone who isn't real. Great twist though. I really, really hope this series gets it's chance to have another season. It is definitely worth a watch.


One of the things I love about Lost, even though I can't stand it in Heroes, is that they change everything every season. Well, something happens to make things change. Everyone living in the 70s and working for Dharma was something I did not see coming in a million years. I really can't wait for it every week again, and it's been a while since I've been like that over Lost. Sayid shot young Ben Linus! But Daniel said they couldn't change the past? Maybe he was always meant to shoot him, and he survives? Interesting! One thing I'm not looking forward to is the Jack/Kate/Sawyer/Juliet love quadrangle. I was always for Sawyer and Kate over Jack and Kate, but I like Juliet and I wouldn't like to see Sawyer just go after Kate again.

There are definitely things I really want to know in this series. Where the hell is everyone else from the original plane? Rose and Bernard etc? What happened to Daniel Faraday? Why did Sun, Locke and Ben end up with the other plane people instead of with Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sayid? Confusing! But good confusing.


This is something I've been convinced to watch rather than a new thing I download weekly. After episode one, I don't think I'm going to end up rushing with it. It's alright, just a bit daft, and the effects aren't great. Some people might say that it's no more daft in it's idea than all the other sci-fi I watch, but it just seems it to me. I don't think Britain is very good at sci-fi and fantasy, with the exception of Dr Who and Torchwood. There's something Torchwood like about Primeval, but it's clearly not as good. The young guy and the S Club 7 girl aren't great actors. The hunter/tracker guy is way too pretty for that. Ben Miller is playing a really annoying and predictable role. I might stick with it because I think the overall idea is good, and because it's something else to watch. It's not that great though.


I can't believe I forgot this! The series has been brilliant, it really has. It's impressive that they find groups of new actors who are this good. The finale was a little disappointing though. Great episode yes, but I sort of expected something involving the rest of the cast too. I guess they got their finale last week with the ball, but still, when you compare it to the season 1 finale, it just wasn't as...explosive. That served as the middle of the original cast story, and had story lines for Maxxi and Anwar, Sid and Cassie, Tony and Michelle, Tony and Sid, Tony and Effy, Chris and Angie, and didn't Jal get off with Posh Kenneth? It involved everyone and left some stories open for the second series. Tony getting hit by a lorry, for a start.

I'm not saying that the season 3 finale left nothing to think about. Are the guys really all friends again? Will Cook be alright with Freddie and Effy? Will that even work? Where are they going on the stolen boat? Like I said, really great episode, just expected a bit more, and expected more of the cast to be there.

Battlestar Galactica

No I haven't watched Daybreak again yet, but I read Bear McCreary's blog, and I just wanted to say again how amazing this series was. Maybe I'll watch it again later.

Wednesday 25 March 2009


He did the right thing. I was worried that he was like someone else we both know, but he isn't. He's much more of a man, and he did what had to be done rather than drag it out. He took the tough choice instead of the easy one, and I'm proud of him.

Monday 23 March 2009

Battlestar Galactica - Daybreak

Battlestar Galactica truly is one of the best things to ever be shown on a television. The final episode was just perfect. It's great that it was still able to be unpredictable and surprising right up to the end.

Starting off, we always knew that Adama, who always makes the right call, would go after Hera. Was never sure they'd get through it though! I also suspected that Boomer might do the right thing in the end, and she did. Wasn't sad when Athena killed her though. Some things were more shocking though. The moment when you realised that Baltar and Caprica Six could see each other's Head Cylon and Head Baltar. Angels! They really were. Nothing more sinister than that. Baltar was never evil and I knew that, but it was good to see him doing the right thing in the finale. He got it. The man of science who never believed in religion was the man with the faith at the end.

And Starbuck! She died after Maelstrom, on Earth. The Starbuck who came back was like an angel too. She wasn't really there. Well, she was, but...she was something different. All the mythology and spiritual stuff was great. The Opera House scene was just brilliant. That had been there since season one. Roslin, Athena, Caprica, Baltar and Hera, all playing out the parts from the vision that we'd seen for four years. I'm not into religion and would have been kind of disappointed if it'd all been about the Christian God, but it wasn't really. God, or a god, or the gods of Kobol, or some other divine force. Something bigger than us, and that was all that mattered. Perfect.

Of course the biggest twist was that our Earth and the Earth of their own mythology were not the same place. I was seriously confused when they landed in Africa, and there was grass and animals and primitive humanoids. They just chose to call it Earth because Earth was the dream! Our Earth was just named after the real Earth! And they were our anscestors! Perfect.

I didn't really cry because I didn't watch it alone, but I probably will next time. Roslin's death, and the Admiral leaving forever, and Starbuck's departure, and Sam going into the Sun with Galactica...all beautifully done. The happy bits too were worth a tear in places. Tigh and Ellen together again, Baltar going back to his roots with Caprica, Helo surviving, finding this new planet to start with. The flashbacks worked well to make it all that more emotional too.

I loved how it finally ended. In our time, the angel Caprica and angel Baltar with Ron D. Moore in the scene, discussing whether it will all happen again, to Jimi Hendrix's All Along the Watchtower. I really can't wait for both the DVD release, and after Bear McCreary's brilliant season as far as the music goes, the soundtrack too.

I'd also like to add that Ronald D. Moore is a complete legend. Battlestar Galactica + many of my favourite DS9 episdes...can't get much better than that.

Saturday 21 March 2009


I want to post about last weekend in London at some point, because it was brilliant. I've been meaning to do that all week, but now I'm actually on here, I have something else on my mind. There are two people that I got all wrong. I automatically assume that guys who look and act like one of them just won't want to know me at all. Wrong. He's a good guy to hang out with. The other one I was worried I'd end up wanting too much from. He's still closer to my type than other guys in my life right now, but some things he's said lately have made me see that he could be the guy friend I've not had for a long time. I missed Simon after he left, and I guess that was similar. He said something to me that I've never felt was true coming from other "friends", and despite the fact that I'm now overanalysing myself again, it was really good to hear.

Sunday 8 March 2009

Ten to Ten

  1. I'd been thinking about it for 2+ years, and putting off making the decision, because it wasn't an easy one to make. For all of the many reasons I had to make it though, the thing that finally did it was something you said. Not a good thing either. Who knows, I may still not have made the decision if you'd said something nice instead of your standard response.

  2. I don't think I'll ever let go, but I sometimes wish you would. I'd like us to still be friends, but I don't like how you keep me hanging on and just text/missed call me every now and then so I still remember you exist. Real friends or nothing please.
  3. You've made it so much more enjoyable. I'm actually confused about what to think of you though. Do I want to just me friends or do I want more? I shouldn't, because we're so incompatible. It'd never happen anyway, and it's not like I think about you all the time, but I reckon I'll be jealous when I meet your girlfriend. You are definitely someone I want as a friend, if nothing else.
  4. I misjudged you as the typical guy who wasn't interested in being friends because you don't fancy me. I've met enough of those in my time, and I'm glad you actually turned out to be really cool. Hilariously disgusting, but cool.
  5. Have more confidence. You know you can do it, so why do you act like you can't? I hope you work it out in time.
  6. This time last year you were one of the most important people in my life. You probably shouldn't have been, but it still bothers me how it's changed.
  7. I'm sure we could both use an extra friend, so I really don't see why you don't want that. We were friends once, but it seems to have gone.
  8. You know, if it wasn't for a certain factor, I'd be inviting you to stay sometime soon. I've thought about you lot lately. Sign of loneliness?
  9. I wish you weren't looking into leaving. Things won't be the same there without you. They'll fall apart.
  10. Look at me now.


You know, I was actually worried that I wouldn't connect with my cats, after 15+ years with Sonic being my sidekick and best friend. How could any other pet replace my Sonic? Well they haven't, but not because I love them any less. They're so different. I cannot imagine being without them now though. Next weekend will be so strange, being away and not having them around all the time.

Saying that though, I still don't think I trust them upstairs at night. I did it for two nights, and there was much banging and being woken up with a cat in my face. They need to calm down a bit. My room is also a right mess at the moment, so there's so much trouble they could cause. Still, I love them, and I'll take a bit of annoyingness as a price for having two little kittens to come home to every day.

Monday 2 March 2009

Rules the Nation.

So what have I been watching lately?

Battlestar Galactica

What can I say? It continues to be brilliant. I'm even close to saying it's my favourite TV series...and I never just pick one for that title. This week's episode started off being like a character building thing, or at least more so than the recent action packed ones. And then the end. I almost knew it was going to turn out to be the Final Five song that Starbuck was playing, but it was still amazing. What the frak does that mean? What IS Starbuck? How does Hera know the theme? Who is controlling events? Is Roslin dead? Is Galactica going to be dead? Brilliant.

What's also brilliant is Bear McCreary's All Along the Watchtower. I love it.


I'm seeing more potential with episode 2. Maybe Fox made them screw with the premiere so much that it wasn't what it should have been. The idea is still weird, but it's becoming more interesting with mention of Alpha. Echo remembered bits too, which is obviously going to be the major plot point. I hope they don't drag that element of the story on for too long though. Definite potential, but I don't think will be anything like as good as Firefly. I just hope it's given a chance and isn't cancelled.


It's fantastic. Despite my initial dislike of some of the new characters, I now love it. The characters are believable, and I like how the story is going. Effy is a fantastic character, and I'm glad she's taken the lead over from Tony. This is a series everyone should watch.