Monday 2 March 2009

Rules the Nation.

So what have I been watching lately?

Battlestar Galactica

What can I say? It continues to be brilliant. I'm even close to saying it's my favourite TV series...and I never just pick one for that title. This week's episode started off being like a character building thing, or at least more so than the recent action packed ones. And then the end. I almost knew it was going to turn out to be the Final Five song that Starbuck was playing, but it was still amazing. What the frak does that mean? What IS Starbuck? How does Hera know the theme? Who is controlling events? Is Roslin dead? Is Galactica going to be dead? Brilliant.

What's also brilliant is Bear McCreary's All Along the Watchtower. I love it.


I'm seeing more potential with episode 2. Maybe Fox made them screw with the premiere so much that it wasn't what it should have been. The idea is still weird, but it's becoming more interesting with mention of Alpha. Echo remembered bits too, which is obviously going to be the major plot point. I hope they don't drag that element of the story on for too long though. Definite potential, but I don't think will be anything like as good as Firefly. I just hope it's given a chance and isn't cancelled.


It's fantastic. Despite my initial dislike of some of the new characters, I now love it. The characters are believable, and I like how the story is going. Effy is a fantastic character, and I'm glad she's taken the lead over from Tony. This is a series everyone should watch.

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