Wednesday 30 January 2008


I only have lectures on Thursdays. I have a research project to do, but that doesn't start till Monday. I got back to uni on Friday, and Hannah stayed for a few days, but since then I have been so bloody bored. She left Sunday, and I didn't get internet till late Monday afternoon. Sunday night was split between Dawson's Creek, Farscape and Enterprise. Monday involved seeing my landlord, town, reading, and Farscape. Then I got internet, and it involved Skyping allllll night. Tuesday I met up with the people I lived with in 2nd year, and then last night I went out with one of them and her mate. It was an alright night, but I can't be bothered to explain how with L it all ends up being about chasing after boys.

And that brings us to today. Today I have done nothing at all worthwhile. I woke up around 11ish, and since then I've only left my room to use the bathroom, get breakfast and once to walk to the shop to get Dr Pepper because my body required fizzy pop. I've been online all day. Doing what you ask? PB, OTW, xkcd (I've even been going back looking at old comics to kill time), festival rumours, AIM (only spoken to 2 people all day though), QC, random wikipedia articles, and the worst bit...Runescape. I found myself thinking "oh good, middle of the day UK time, won't be so many people on so I can go mining without sharing rocks" and so I went mining. Went up a smithing level, which was probably the most excitement Runescape gave me today. Wow, I can't believe I'm writing about my Runescaping somewhere public.

Last night, we sort of discussed going to Asylum tonight. Now, even though I'm mega bored and could do with doing something, I don't much want to. I spent too much last night, and I just don't feel up to drinking much tonight. I also don't know if I can be bothered with another night of everything being about guys and the chasing of them and the talking about ones who have been chased before. The freshers I live with are going, and my other mate said he'd be up for it, but I still can't imagine it being much fun. If they ask, I might go, but I hope they don't. I'd prefer to watch some nerdy DVDs, mess about online, go to bed earlyish and be ready for my first day of actual lectures.

The worst part is that this will be almost the same every week. Sure, the work will pile on after lectures start, and I'll be in the lab doing my research stuff a couple of days a week, but it's still not going to be constant. I'm still gonna have a lot of free time all year, and it's going to be hard to find big groups of people to go out with. It's always better when there are a few of you going. I know it sounds daft that I'm moaning about not wanting to go out tonight and also saying I want other people to go out more, but I just don't fancy it tonight after last night.

Oh, and I'm reading Sword of Shannara, and I can't get into it. It seems really good, but it's starting in a similar way to LotR and Eragon. Normal guy learns of great destiny and needs to flee his safe rural community. It's been done. Eragon probably copied this too though. It copied pretty much everything else.

Edit: Oh, and one more thing. I miss work. Forget that thing I said in another entry where I said I wouldn't go back to the same lab. I'd love to go back

Now playing: Happy Mondays - Kinky Afro
via FoxyTunes

Monday 21 January 2008

I think my last post was that mega depressing one...

So just to say, that was a very, very bad day. The day after was one of the best days ever, and I'm generally feeling pretty good right now. I can't be bothered to write much, but I've finished work and had a fantastic last day, and then Saturday night involved a very long Wii party. It's all good.

Now playing: Fun Lovin' Criminals - Korean Bodega
via FoxyTunes

Saturday 12 January 2008

The end is in sight!

I passed my registration portfolio! Now I just need a degree to be fully qualified, and I only have one semester left at uni. I can't believe I can see the end of it. Words cannot describe the happiness and relief on Tuesday when my verifier came and I passed. I also got my project intro in on time, even though it's probably shite, but it's in and that means I'm freeeeee! No more uni work till I get back in a couple of weeks. No more feeling guilty about doing things that aren't uni work or portfolio :D

I can't decide how I feel about going back to uni. My life there seems so long ago, especially the life I had in my 2nd year. That 3rd year semester I was there was totally different. I'll really miss the Stargate marathons and hanging out with Laura and Dan. Oh well. I guess this'll be another adventure. Only one more semester anyway. Hopefully :P

In other news, I've nearly finished Sex and the City. That's right, 6 seasons, starting at Christmas. That is a good effort, even for me. I miss my sci fi though. Atlantis tomorrow!

Now playing: The Smiths - Ask
via FoxyTunes

Sunday 6 January 2008

A Dream

I had a really weird dream last night, so I felt the need to write it down, because I hate forgetting the interesting ones.

As usual with dreams, I don't remember exactly how it began. I was in a house, but it was a pretty fancy house an definitely not mine. My mum was there, my sister, maybe Garry, maybe my sister's boyfriend and I'm certain there was a guy there with me. It was the day before the London marathon, and me and my sister remembered that we'd signed up to do it then forgotten about it. My mum was looking as though she knew I'd drop out and not do it because I was lazy, and I was trying desperately to explain that I hadn't trained because I had been too busy, and it was dangerous to run a marathon without preparation. I could tell they were starting to listen, but I also told the guy who was there about it, because I think he was a doctor, and I got him to agree that we shouldn't run.

We went to London to watch the end of it anyway. For some odd reason, Oasis were running it, and we were waiting for them to finish and play some songs. The place we were...was odd. It was a shopping mall. I never say "mall" because it's a very American word, but in the dream that's what I knew it was. It was a cross between Westfield in Derby, Meadowhall, that shopping centre I randomly went to in Doncaster once, Princes Quay in Hull and Birmingham Central Library. And maybe some of the big train stations I've been to, like St Pancras and Liverpool Street. I know, it gets odder. Funny thing was, it was also New Year's Eve. We were waiting for Oasis to play at midnight. It gets weirder. William Shatner was the announcer for the evening, and was stood outside on an ice rink, having just run the marathon, waiting to introduce Oasis o.o

I don't remember some stuff after that. My sister was there, and her boyfriend was, and I can't remember what was said. I remember going outside because some fireworks had been let off early by accident. I went out, and my brother and some people I know through him were there looking at them. Although they were early, they were the best fireworks I'd ever seen, ever. I half wanted to go back inside for midnight, as I'd never not had Big Ben at New Year, but then I remember that we were in London and should hear from outside. I then thought about that weird situation where people in London watching TV hear 13 strikes because of the TV delay, then I remembered that there was no TV. I heard Big Ben do those chimes it does before the countdown, and then the noise of the crowd drowned out the sounds. I only knew it was New Year when people started singing Auld Lang Syne. My brother and his girlfriend, and my sister, were all there.

After that it was as though I was drunk and couldn't remember bits. I remember it being the next day. I saw Lucy and she pretty much blanked me. I tried talking to her but she wasn't interested. I remembered having seen Rachel the night before too, but she had gone already. I remember walking around aimlessly, and then seeing a group of people from school who were still friends. Faye was there, which was odd because she didn't even go to my secondary school. It wasn't nice. Like they all knew each other still and I was someone they used to know. Faye told me how happy she was with her son (I think I mixed her up with Nikita in my dream) and then for some reason she wasn't there and Sarah M was. It was the old college crew. Anne-Marie was there, and she said she was taking pictures of people at the party for her Facebook (she doesn't have a Facebook) and she took one of me, another girl called Nikita who wasn't the one I'd ever spoken to at school, and someone else (my sister, I think) and possibly Sarah too. I talked to Anne-Marie and Sarah for a while, but I don't remember what about. I remember feeling distant from them. And then my sister, who was next to me, said Rick was coming over. He had a baby in his arms, Terri's son I assumed. I think he said Terri was coming too. Rick knew all the people from school and I felt so out of place. I felt like I was falling back in with then because I had no one else, and they all knew that, so I decided to call some other friends to come. I knew Lucy had just gone, because I'd seen her again and couldn't get her attention. I told Hannah I would call our brother, then decided that might look sad. I said I'd try to call Rachel, but her number wasn't in my phone. I'd deleted it by accident the night before. I looked at my list of friends and didn't feel I could call any of them. It was pretty depressing :P

And then I woke up. That was a weird dream. I'm not really all that emoish and thinking I have no friends, because I do, but I think it highlights how much I've drifted away from people this past year. It'll change soon, but it is a shame.

Now playing: Velvet Revolver - Illegal I Song
via FoxyTunes

Saturday 5 January 2008

And I started to wonder....

Wow, I am completely addicted to Sex and the City. When I got the whole box set for Christmas, I knew I liked it and would enjoy watching it slowly, I half wanted some Atlantis or something. And then I began the watching. And I haven't stopped. I'm on season 4 already and I only got it for Christmas! I just can't stop.

Aaaand I think I love Mr Big. When the Big vs Aiden thing comes up, my mum always says Aiden. I think it's more to do with that guy who was in Northern Exposure though. For me, it's Big every time. He may have been a bastard at times, but you know he was supposed to be with Carrie! Haha, I've got so into it.

Maybe it's that stupid addiction that's got me thinking about the fact that I don't really want to be single forever. I'm actually not bothered by it now. I know I'm moving away from here in 3 weeks, and then moving again to god knows where after uni in June, so there's really no point looking any time soon. Got me thinking about the past too. The one person I keep thinking back to is Richard. Wow, I screwed up there. Perfect guy really. I'm sure I've written the story in some other blog before, but basically we met when I went out for my 18th, in a 70s club. My friend was busy pulling every guy she saw, and I just got to know Richard. We talked on the phone a lot and dated few times, then things got hectic. He worked a lot, I had exams coming up, and then we both went on holiday with different people at the same time. After we got back, things were a mess for me at college, with that situation and things didn't look so good. Not long after there was another night out, and there was Liam. I pretty much blew Richard out for Liam, who was a lot better looking and who I had such an amazing connection with that first time we met. That was one of my worst mistakes ever. Richard was a nice guy and someone I really got on with. He was no model, but he was a great guy who I could have had a good time with. That great connection I had with Liam that night didn't last. Our one and only real date, the one I chose over a night out with Richard, was boring. And it didn't work out with either. That sucked :P

It's funny that I didn't think of Jonathan till just now. That guy was an idiot at the end. Another guy I had such a great connection with when we first met, to the point that I really though this could be something long term, and then it got pretty crap as time went on. No, I only thought of him when I thought of Liam. Other than Richard, the one other ex I thought of writing this was Chris. And he's the one who might bump into this blog one day, being an internet addict :P Doubtful but possible. If he does, then I'm sure he'll be realistic about why we wouldn't have worked, and he'll know that deep down he didn't want it to anyway. I don't want to say what he said here because I dunno who reads it, but he said something once that summed up our whole relationship. I'm sure we'll hang out again, but we will never be a couple. Funny though, knowing that I'm fairly certain I could call him (if he's single) and I know he'd be interested. One of the biggest problems with him, and this is something I don't care if he sees, is that he's not the sort of guy you introduce to your parents. He's secret afternoon meetings guy. The guy your friends say "you aren't meeting him again are you?" I pity the type of girls who fall for that kind of guy.

Haha, self analysis. Definitely too much Sex and the City, and throw in too much Dawson's Creek too :P I probably need some sci fi to take my mind off it.

Oh Oh, talking of sci fi (is it that obvious that I'm just typing as I think? I love doing's a release :P) I saw the trailer for season 4 of Battlestar! Excited! After Razor, which was awesome, I can't wait. I don't get why Sky cut some bits from Razor though. Surely the hybrid's speech about the 4 awakening can't just have been a DVD extra? I'll have to watch the DVD all the way through soon. The big question though, obviously, is who the hell is the fifth Cylon? I saw something online that said that the producers had said that Roslin and Starbuck were not Cylons as that would ruin the story. I found no evidence that this had really been said though. Roslin is still my theory, I think. I'd be pretty disappointed if it was Baltar. He's just a flawed human. He's what's wrong with humanity, not a Cylon...or at least I hope that's what he is. I did see an interested quote though, and this was confirmed. Hera might not be the first half human half Cylon. I read a theory that Starbuck's mother was Cylon, and that she was supposed to be the hybrid meant to bring both races to Earth. There's also the theory that the Admiral is a Cylon, making Apollo half Cylon. I'm not ruling out an already dead person either. Ellen Tigh, for a start. Also maybe whatshername from Razor.

I wrote too much and switched topics in the middle, but that was some therapeutic typing!