Sunday 6 January 2008

A Dream

I had a really weird dream last night, so I felt the need to write it down, because I hate forgetting the interesting ones.

As usual with dreams, I don't remember exactly how it began. I was in a house, but it was a pretty fancy house an definitely not mine. My mum was there, my sister, maybe Garry, maybe my sister's boyfriend and I'm certain there was a guy there with me. It was the day before the London marathon, and me and my sister remembered that we'd signed up to do it then forgotten about it. My mum was looking as though she knew I'd drop out and not do it because I was lazy, and I was trying desperately to explain that I hadn't trained because I had been too busy, and it was dangerous to run a marathon without preparation. I could tell they were starting to listen, but I also told the guy who was there about it, because I think he was a doctor, and I got him to agree that we shouldn't run.

We went to London to watch the end of it anyway. For some odd reason, Oasis were running it, and we were waiting for them to finish and play some songs. The place we were...was odd. It was a shopping mall. I never say "mall" because it's a very American word, but in the dream that's what I knew it was. It was a cross between Westfield in Derby, Meadowhall, that shopping centre I randomly went to in Doncaster once, Princes Quay in Hull and Birmingham Central Library. And maybe some of the big train stations I've been to, like St Pancras and Liverpool Street. I know, it gets odder. Funny thing was, it was also New Year's Eve. We were waiting for Oasis to play at midnight. It gets weirder. William Shatner was the announcer for the evening, and was stood outside on an ice rink, having just run the marathon, waiting to introduce Oasis o.o

I don't remember some stuff after that. My sister was there, and her boyfriend was, and I can't remember what was said. I remember going outside because some fireworks had been let off early by accident. I went out, and my brother and some people I know through him were there looking at them. Although they were early, they were the best fireworks I'd ever seen, ever. I half wanted to go back inside for midnight, as I'd never not had Big Ben at New Year, but then I remember that we were in London and should hear from outside. I then thought about that weird situation where people in London watching TV hear 13 strikes because of the TV delay, then I remembered that there was no TV. I heard Big Ben do those chimes it does before the countdown, and then the noise of the crowd drowned out the sounds. I only knew it was New Year when people started singing Auld Lang Syne. My brother and his girlfriend, and my sister, were all there.

After that it was as though I was drunk and couldn't remember bits. I remember it being the next day. I saw Lucy and she pretty much blanked me. I tried talking to her but she wasn't interested. I remembered having seen Rachel the night before too, but she had gone already. I remember walking around aimlessly, and then seeing a group of people from school who were still friends. Faye was there, which was odd because she didn't even go to my secondary school. It wasn't nice. Like they all knew each other still and I was someone they used to know. Faye told me how happy she was with her son (I think I mixed her up with Nikita in my dream) and then for some reason she wasn't there and Sarah M was. It was the old college crew. Anne-Marie was there, and she said she was taking pictures of people at the party for her Facebook (she doesn't have a Facebook) and she took one of me, another girl called Nikita who wasn't the one I'd ever spoken to at school, and someone else (my sister, I think) and possibly Sarah too. I talked to Anne-Marie and Sarah for a while, but I don't remember what about. I remember feeling distant from them. And then my sister, who was next to me, said Rick was coming over. He had a baby in his arms, Terri's son I assumed. I think he said Terri was coming too. Rick knew all the people from school and I felt so out of place. I felt like I was falling back in with then because I had no one else, and they all knew that, so I decided to call some other friends to come. I knew Lucy had just gone, because I'd seen her again and couldn't get her attention. I told Hannah I would call our brother, then decided that might look sad. I said I'd try to call Rachel, but her number wasn't in my phone. I'd deleted it by accident the night before. I looked at my list of friends and didn't feel I could call any of them. It was pretty depressing :P

And then I woke up. That was a weird dream. I'm not really all that emoish and thinking I have no friends, because I do, but I think it highlights how much I've drifted away from people this past year. It'll change soon, but it is a shame.

Now playing: Velvet Revolver - Illegal I Song
via FoxyTunes

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