Saturday 5 January 2008

And I started to wonder....

Wow, I am completely addicted to Sex and the City. When I got the whole box set for Christmas, I knew I liked it and would enjoy watching it slowly, I half wanted some Atlantis or something. And then I began the watching. And I haven't stopped. I'm on season 4 already and I only got it for Christmas! I just can't stop.

Aaaand I think I love Mr Big. When the Big vs Aiden thing comes up, my mum always says Aiden. I think it's more to do with that guy who was in Northern Exposure though. For me, it's Big every time. He may have been a bastard at times, but you know he was supposed to be with Carrie! Haha, I've got so into it.

Maybe it's that stupid addiction that's got me thinking about the fact that I don't really want to be single forever. I'm actually not bothered by it now. I know I'm moving away from here in 3 weeks, and then moving again to god knows where after uni in June, so there's really no point looking any time soon. Got me thinking about the past too. The one person I keep thinking back to is Richard. Wow, I screwed up there. Perfect guy really. I'm sure I've written the story in some other blog before, but basically we met when I went out for my 18th, in a 70s club. My friend was busy pulling every guy she saw, and I just got to know Richard. We talked on the phone a lot and dated few times, then things got hectic. He worked a lot, I had exams coming up, and then we both went on holiday with different people at the same time. After we got back, things were a mess for me at college, with that situation and things didn't look so good. Not long after there was another night out, and there was Liam. I pretty much blew Richard out for Liam, who was a lot better looking and who I had such an amazing connection with that first time we met. That was one of my worst mistakes ever. Richard was a nice guy and someone I really got on with. He was no model, but he was a great guy who I could have had a good time with. That great connection I had with Liam that night didn't last. Our one and only real date, the one I chose over a night out with Richard, was boring. And it didn't work out with either. That sucked :P

It's funny that I didn't think of Jonathan till just now. That guy was an idiot at the end. Another guy I had such a great connection with when we first met, to the point that I really though this could be something long term, and then it got pretty crap as time went on. No, I only thought of him when I thought of Liam. Other than Richard, the one other ex I thought of writing this was Chris. And he's the one who might bump into this blog one day, being an internet addict :P Doubtful but possible. If he does, then I'm sure he'll be realistic about why we wouldn't have worked, and he'll know that deep down he didn't want it to anyway. I don't want to say what he said here because I dunno who reads it, but he said something once that summed up our whole relationship. I'm sure we'll hang out again, but we will never be a couple. Funny though, knowing that I'm fairly certain I could call him (if he's single) and I know he'd be interested. One of the biggest problems with him, and this is something I don't care if he sees, is that he's not the sort of guy you introduce to your parents. He's secret afternoon meetings guy. The guy your friends say "you aren't meeting him again are you?" I pity the type of girls who fall for that kind of guy.

Haha, self analysis. Definitely too much Sex and the City, and throw in too much Dawson's Creek too :P I probably need some sci fi to take my mind off it.

Oh Oh, talking of sci fi (is it that obvious that I'm just typing as I think? I love doing's a release :P) I saw the trailer for season 4 of Battlestar! Excited! After Razor, which was awesome, I can't wait. I don't get why Sky cut some bits from Razor though. Surely the hybrid's speech about the 4 awakening can't just have been a DVD extra? I'll have to watch the DVD all the way through soon. The big question though, obviously, is who the hell is the fifth Cylon? I saw something online that said that the producers had said that Roslin and Starbuck were not Cylons as that would ruin the story. I found no evidence that this had really been said though. Roslin is still my theory, I think. I'd be pretty disappointed if it was Baltar. He's just a flawed human. He's what's wrong with humanity, not a Cylon...or at least I hope that's what he is. I did see an interested quote though, and this was confirmed. Hera might not be the first half human half Cylon. I read a theory that Starbuck's mother was Cylon, and that she was supposed to be the hybrid meant to bring both races to Earth. There's also the theory that the Admiral is a Cylon, making Apollo half Cylon. I'm not ruling out an already dead person either. Ellen Tigh, for a start. Also maybe whatshername from Razor.

I wrote too much and switched topics in the middle, but that was some therapeutic typing!

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