Wednesday 30 January 2008


I only have lectures on Thursdays. I have a research project to do, but that doesn't start till Monday. I got back to uni on Friday, and Hannah stayed for a few days, but since then I have been so bloody bored. She left Sunday, and I didn't get internet till late Monday afternoon. Sunday night was split between Dawson's Creek, Farscape and Enterprise. Monday involved seeing my landlord, town, reading, and Farscape. Then I got internet, and it involved Skyping allllll night. Tuesday I met up with the people I lived with in 2nd year, and then last night I went out with one of them and her mate. It was an alright night, but I can't be bothered to explain how with L it all ends up being about chasing after boys.

And that brings us to today. Today I have done nothing at all worthwhile. I woke up around 11ish, and since then I've only left my room to use the bathroom, get breakfast and once to walk to the shop to get Dr Pepper because my body required fizzy pop. I've been online all day. Doing what you ask? PB, OTW, xkcd (I've even been going back looking at old comics to kill time), festival rumours, AIM (only spoken to 2 people all day though), QC, random wikipedia articles, and the worst bit...Runescape. I found myself thinking "oh good, middle of the day UK time, won't be so many people on so I can go mining without sharing rocks" and so I went mining. Went up a smithing level, which was probably the most excitement Runescape gave me today. Wow, I can't believe I'm writing about my Runescaping somewhere public.

Last night, we sort of discussed going to Asylum tonight. Now, even though I'm mega bored and could do with doing something, I don't much want to. I spent too much last night, and I just don't feel up to drinking much tonight. I also don't know if I can be bothered with another night of everything being about guys and the chasing of them and the talking about ones who have been chased before. The freshers I live with are going, and my other mate said he'd be up for it, but I still can't imagine it being much fun. If they ask, I might go, but I hope they don't. I'd prefer to watch some nerdy DVDs, mess about online, go to bed earlyish and be ready for my first day of actual lectures.

The worst part is that this will be almost the same every week. Sure, the work will pile on after lectures start, and I'll be in the lab doing my research stuff a couple of days a week, but it's still not going to be constant. I'm still gonna have a lot of free time all year, and it's going to be hard to find big groups of people to go out with. It's always better when there are a few of you going. I know it sounds daft that I'm moaning about not wanting to go out tonight and also saying I want other people to go out more, but I just don't fancy it tonight after last night.

Oh, and I'm reading Sword of Shannara, and I can't get into it. It seems really good, but it's starting in a similar way to LotR and Eragon. Normal guy learns of great destiny and needs to flee his safe rural community. It's been done. Eragon probably copied this too though. It copied pretty much everything else.

Edit: Oh, and one more thing. I miss work. Forget that thing I said in another entry where I said I wouldn't go back to the same lab. I'd love to go back

Now playing: Happy Mondays - Kinky Afro
via FoxyTunes

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