Thursday 31 July 2008

The real world and the fake

Last weekend, after a lot of complaining about how much I hate camping, I ended up going camping in Mablethorpe with my dad, his partner, and her family. It was actually a really good break, away from the internet and the boredom of all the nothing I do at the moment. I sat in the sun all weekend, spent a lot of time talking to my dad (and realising how I was actually brought up rather well) and I read an entire book. Dune Messiah, which I may talk about in another post after I've bought and read Children of Dune too. Fantastic read, and the first time I've read a novel in far too long. I really enjoyed just escaping into it while sitting in the sun outside a beach chalet.

If I wasn't completely shattered right now, I'd write more about that weekend, because I really enjoyed it. There are some things that I would have complained about, like a certain 16 year old who has been far too spoilt, and maybe someone a bit older who is the same, but I can't quite be bothered. It was just some quality time in the real world, and I liked it more than I thought I would.

So going the other way, I've also done something unspeakable in the last week. I got the WoW trial. Yes I'm hanging my head in shame as I type. I got it for two reasons. The first is that it's a cure for the boredom, but the main one is that I want some MMORPG experience on something other than Runescape before Stargate Worlds is out. That's been pushed back to 2009 now, but I still thought it'd be good to have a go on WoW.

So far, it's not too bad. There's a lot to do as a newbie to get going. A lot of small quests that build you up. I can't see how level 70s stay entertained, but it's alright for now. Pete will probably come and help me with quests at some point, which will be a help. I'm not sure how I like the social element of it though. I know on RS doing stuff with other people and chatting as you play is well annoying. I guess I'll have another go before the trial runs out, and consider buying it for my free month if I think it's worth it. Anyone on Burning Blade in Europe should give me a shout though.

Monday 21 July 2008

I still watch TV

It's been a long while since I've written anything about what I've been watching on TV. Some of the things I should have said something about finished a while ago, so I've probably forgot what I was going to say. I'll cut it up again like last time, seeing that's easiest to follow.


So I know I've written in my blog about watching Farscape before, but I've just finished rewatching it with my sister. I read back the post I made called "Mostly about Farscape", and I've changed a lot of my opinions. I thought Scorpius lost something as a villain because of Harvey, and because it was odd for a villain to be on the main credits. I was wrong. Second time around, it was easier to see Harvey as a totally seperate character, and there was no point where Scorpius stopped being awesome. I was also less bothered by the cast changes this time, although it still would have been nice to see more of Jool later on, and definitely more Pilot in later seasons.

PK Wars is worth revisiting again too, because now I can see which bits really needed to be expanded in the season 5 that never happened. Sikozu being a Scarran spy...that needed some build up. Why would this highly intelligent woman who totally understood how the Scarrans worked and that they couldn't be trusted, suddenly believe that they would free her people? Why would she think she could fool Scorpius, who can tell when people are lying? Why would she want to betray him, when it was obvious that she genuinly cared about him? I'm not saying her being the spy is unbelievable, it just required some more explanation.

The rest of it is pretty much a perfect ending though. I now think Stark's story was well handled, and D'Argo's death was perfect. The opinion that I have kept from the first time is that Scorpy needed more of a conclusion. Has his need for revenge against the Scarran's just gone? Is he really happy with the peace? I would think he would be, but what does he do now? His life has all been about revenge and stopping the Scarrans from conquering the Peacekeepers. Who knows, maybe it'll be included in the webisodes.

I saw a Youtube thingy where the showrunner addressed the cast on it's cancellation, and I think what he said was so true. In years to come, people could see the cancellation of Farscape as something as stupid as the guy who thought it was a good plan to cancel the original series of Star Trek. Farscape is so different to every other sci-fi I've seen, and that's what makes it better than most.

Stargate Atlantis

Yay, more new Stargate! It's been a while, and I've been looking forward to this so much. The first new episode was great. Everyone rescued, but not quite status quo since Carter left. Good move really, since she was wasted on Atlantis. Woolsey will at least be interesting to watch as leader. He's not always been used that well as a character in the past, because he often seems to have revelations about the fact that SG1 or the Atlantis lot are doing alright after all, then come in with the same attitude that they're doing things wrong in the next episode. You can sort of understand why though, because he's too caught up in doing things by the book. Some time in Atlantis will teach him that that doesn't work.

The second new episode was good too, because it was a chance for Keller to have an episode. I like Jewel Staite. She was great in Firefly, and I like her character in Atlantis. Keller is just a doctor, not a soldier or someone used to being in dangerous situations. Bit odd that they'd send someone like that to Atlantis. When they sent Beckett, they didn't know what he would have to face, but they did with Keller. She's still interesting though, and I'm glad she's on the main cast this season.

One thing I will say, is that I hope they settle the cast down and keep Woolsey for more than a season. New leaders every season won't be good for the show, and I really hope Atlantis has a few more seasons in it yet. Still, I hope they know where to end it though. The problem with SG1 was that they just kept going. I don't know if they had a plan to finish with season 11, but it didn't seem like they knew when they were going to wrap up the stories and stop. I hope Atlantis has a better prepared ending.

I'm not doing a seperate section for it, but I'll also say that I'm really excited about Continuum :D


Bit different to what I usually watch, but when my mum watched the season 2 opener the other week, I got a bit interested. I've now seen all of season 1, and I'm about to start 2. It's really worth watching. Dexter is totally different from anything I've seen, and it's totally unexpected. Who would think of someone working for the police being a serial killer? I'm not keen on my heroes being killers though, and I hope he does get caught at some point. Saying that though, everytime he comes close, I really hope he doesn't. It's definitely a weird programme. I'm looking forward to season 2.

Dr Who

It's been a few weeks since it ended, but I don't think I've mentioned that epic finale yet. Turn Left was a fantastic episode. Without Donna, the world would pretty much be ending, and it's all because she turned left and ended up meeting the Doctor. And then when Rose gave her two words, and it was Bad Wolf...fantastic. RTD linked it all together. Everything, from every series since he brought Dr Who back to life.

Stolen Earth just got better. To have all of those companions back was great. Billie Piper was pretty weird as Rose. I don't know what was going on with her voice. Still, it was great to have Rose back looking for the Doctor. Martha is a hell of a lot more interesting with UNIT than she ever was as companion. Captain Jack is always awesome, and it was great to see Gwen and Ianto there too. I like Sarah Jane, and her being back in Dr Who makes me want to watch her series too. I know it's supposed to be a kids thing, but it actually looks pretty good. Catherine Tate has been amazing as Donna. She's definitely the best of the regular companions. The end of the episode was just brilliant. A Dalek manages to shoot the Doctor, and it looks like he's going to regenerate. I didn't know what to think there. If he did regenerate, I'd have been disappointed to lose David Tennant, but amazed that they'd kept it so secret. The media didn't seem to know at all for that whole week, which was fantastic.

Journey's End...well he didn't regenerate, but again it was great how things linked together. The hand, cut off in The Christmas Invasion and kept at Torchwood in Cardiff for a year, took the regeneration energy. More old companions returning with Jacqui and Mickey, who is a lot less annoying since his time fighting Cybermen. And then the conclusion. Donna being the key to everything. Really was one of the best episodes I've ever seen. I think the one thing I didn't like too much was the duplicate half human Doctor staying with Rose in Bad Wolf Bay. I understand that he needed Rose's help, as the real Doctor said, but for them to just suddenly be together? Wouldn't the real Doctor be more upset? Would Rose just accept that? I mean he's not exactly the same guy. Same memories and feelings, but he committed genocide. He wasn't the guy Rose loved...not exactly. Oh well, the rest of the episode was beyond brilliant. It was heartbreaking to see Donna have to lose it all.

One thing that I hope happens in the future is that companions stick around for a bit longer. It'd be nice not to have a new one every season. I know they all end up coming back for a bit (although Donna might not) but just to have them stay a bit longer. Or even leave mid season, so it doesn't seem like a series ending clearout.

I think that'll do on TV for now. Now about last night's post in here. I still feel as annoyed, really. I'm annoyed that someone else who hasn't been there like I have gets more recognition than me. The way I write it down makes me seem immature, but I don't think it's abnormal to just want a friend to let you know that you're really a friend.

On a totally separate note, I'm thinking of backing off the internet a bit when I find a job. I get bored of it far easier lately, and I didn't miss it when I was on holiday. I miss it as a way of keeping in contact, but I don't miss PB half as much as I used to when I'm away. At the moment, I think I'm just there because I have nothing else to do rather than because I really enjoy it.

On a good note, I think we're gonna find another zoo to go to this week :D

Friday 18 July 2008

The real end of the world as we know it

Graduation. It's really all over now. It was a great day. Loads of photos and catching up with the folks off the course. It's sad to think that I might not talk to them much again. I really want to make the effort to keep in touch. Laura is having a party in September, so I'll definitely go up to that. Hopefully the others will too.

Seeing my degree certificate...that was amazing. 4 years, and it's all been leading to that bit of paper. I just can't believe it's really all over now. It was almost over when I finished my dissertation. It was almost over when I sat my last exam and celebrated with everyone on the course. It was almost over when I went to the end of year ball with my first and second year housemates. It was almost over when I moved out of Hull and said goodbye to my third and fourth year housemate. It was almost over when I got my results and knew I'd passed. Only now is it really all over.

I can't stop being happy about something my mum said last night when I kept looking at my certificate. Whatever else happens, no one can ever take this away from me. I'll always have this degree.

Friday 11 July 2008

Good morning from Bagdhad

Apparently I'm on Bagdhad time. GMT +3. I like that I've got back into my nocturnal routine, but I'm starting to feel like everyday is wasted. Last night I didn't sleep till 4am, because I watched Dexter till then. Woke up at 11.15, watched more Dexter, didn't go downstairs till 12, didn't get dressed till 2pm. It's 3.19pm and I've still done nothing useful.

I dunno why, but I'm in a shitty mood today. Oh well, beer festival later. That's always a good night. I'll probably go tomorrow night too. Just sucks that there's no internet round my dad's place.

The comic is from by the way, in case anyone is interested. Funniest on the internet.

Now playing: Snow Patrol - Run
via FoxyTunes


Sometimes I think it's really sad that I don't talk to many people from school anymore. Sometimes something will happen that makes me think that I'm so glad I moved on, even if my social life suffers when I'm back home because of it.

I just got invited to a Facebook group by some girl I never used to talk to about crashing the wedding of the head teacher and the deputy head we all knew she was sleeping with. I don't like this woman at all, and I'm saying that from an unbiased point of view since I was never in trouble with her. I do like the guy, but as a couple they're pretty unpleasant from what I've heard. I heard things about her not marrying him, or even living with him, because it would damage her position of power and elevate him, or something. Whatever, I don't like them much and she in particular did me no favours.

Still, do I care enough about it to crash their wedding? Or even give their wedding much thought? School ended more than 6 years ago. I'm so over it that I don't even want to hunt down that prat who I blame for my Merit in ICT anymore. It's done. I've lived in other places for 4 years. University was my life. Who gives a shit about what school teachers who probably don't remember us are up to now? I really pitty everyone in that Facebook group. If the wall discussion gets going though, I may join and actually tell them to get over it.

Now playing: Bright Eyes - Bowl Of Oranges
via FoxyTunes

Sunday 6 July 2008

Thank You (2:1!)

I've not updated this for ages. I've written nothing about my holiday in Scotland, the stuff I've done since, and the fact I've passed my degree with a 2:1, and I'm way behind in writing about tv. I might do my usual tv bit later, since Dr Who is really on my mind right now, but I'll leave Scotland for a bit. The main reason I've not written about it yet is because I've been telling everyone about it recently, and I didn't want to have to repeat it all again. So today, I think I'm going to concentrate on the degree bit. Most people won't realise what a struggle this past four years has been. I struggle to focus, and to motivate myself, and to ask for help when I need all that has made this pretty hard. Rather than dwell on it and go on about how happy I was when I viewed the results, I'm going to take the time to thank the people who need thanking.

I'll start with university staff. Thank you to Jan, for always being there to sort things out when it all when wrong. Alistair, for helping me out with my exam messes, resits and referals, and never making me feel stupid for failing but encouraging me to try again. I thought you were an intimidating man at first, but you really did make me feel better. Janet, for your help sorting things out while I was on placement. Frank, for all your help with my research and telling me I was good at something. Without your help and the mark I got for my dissertation, I would not have a 2:1. Cath, and everyone in the research lab, for your help during my project. Chris...what to say here? In some ways I need to thank you, for your comments on my work and for being easily the best lecturer we have in the way that you set work and deliver your lectures. No thanks for not really taking an interest in me though, and not taking the time to talk to me while I was on placement. I will need to thank you for the help you're giving me now though, but I would have liked to have known I had your support on placement.

On placement, I really have to thank Sue for everything she did for me. We were never going to be good friends, but she was a great tutor, and that placement turned it all around for me. Thanks also to everyone else in that micro lab. Some were more help than others, but everyone made a difference. I should also mention Julian for his help, and for taking an interest. Thanks to Debbie too, for being an encouragement, and to a lesser extent also Sian and Charlotte.

And now the friends at university who have helped me. Mike, Laura,Victoria and Matt are the names I first think of. People on my course who have helped me out with work over the years, and some who have helped me out with other stuff. Thanks also to the group I worked with in micro this year. That presentation turned out really well and helped all our grades. Off my course, I wouldn't say my best friends ever did much to help me out when I was failing things and struggling, but I don't think I made myself easy to help. I'd like to thank my second year housemates, some people from halls in first year, and also Dan, just for being my friends.

Other friends who have been around for me to talk to also deserve a mention. I wish that included more people from home. Early on, it was nice to have the old group to come back to, so thank you for that time. Thank you to the people I still talk to now, for still making the effort. I guess I should thank Chris, in a way, because he's made me feel pretty good about myself from time to time. I really need to say thank you to my online friends. Four years of university, and some of them have been around to talk to and been my friends all that time. ProBoards has been something familiar when everything else has been changing. Thank you to all the people who make it worth staying, particularly those who have been good friends for a very long time now.

I've saved the people I owe the most to last. My family. Thank you for everything. My mum, dad, sister, brother, nana, and even Garry, have always been great, and kept me sane during everything. Even when things have been pretty bad, they've still supported me with uni.