Monday 21 July 2008

I still watch TV

It's been a long while since I've written anything about what I've been watching on TV. Some of the things I should have said something about finished a while ago, so I've probably forgot what I was going to say. I'll cut it up again like last time, seeing that's easiest to follow.


So I know I've written in my blog about watching Farscape before, but I've just finished rewatching it with my sister. I read back the post I made called "Mostly about Farscape", and I've changed a lot of my opinions. I thought Scorpius lost something as a villain because of Harvey, and because it was odd for a villain to be on the main credits. I was wrong. Second time around, it was easier to see Harvey as a totally seperate character, and there was no point where Scorpius stopped being awesome. I was also less bothered by the cast changes this time, although it still would have been nice to see more of Jool later on, and definitely more Pilot in later seasons.

PK Wars is worth revisiting again too, because now I can see which bits really needed to be expanded in the season 5 that never happened. Sikozu being a Scarran spy...that needed some build up. Why would this highly intelligent woman who totally understood how the Scarrans worked and that they couldn't be trusted, suddenly believe that they would free her people? Why would she think she could fool Scorpius, who can tell when people are lying? Why would she want to betray him, when it was obvious that she genuinly cared about him? I'm not saying her being the spy is unbelievable, it just required some more explanation.

The rest of it is pretty much a perfect ending though. I now think Stark's story was well handled, and D'Argo's death was perfect. The opinion that I have kept from the first time is that Scorpy needed more of a conclusion. Has his need for revenge against the Scarran's just gone? Is he really happy with the peace? I would think he would be, but what does he do now? His life has all been about revenge and stopping the Scarrans from conquering the Peacekeepers. Who knows, maybe it'll be included in the webisodes.

I saw a Youtube thingy where the showrunner addressed the cast on it's cancellation, and I think what he said was so true. In years to come, people could see the cancellation of Farscape as something as stupid as the guy who thought it was a good plan to cancel the original series of Star Trek. Farscape is so different to every other sci-fi I've seen, and that's what makes it better than most.

Stargate Atlantis

Yay, more new Stargate! It's been a while, and I've been looking forward to this so much. The first new episode was great. Everyone rescued, but not quite status quo since Carter left. Good move really, since she was wasted on Atlantis. Woolsey will at least be interesting to watch as leader. He's not always been used that well as a character in the past, because he often seems to have revelations about the fact that SG1 or the Atlantis lot are doing alright after all, then come in with the same attitude that they're doing things wrong in the next episode. You can sort of understand why though, because he's too caught up in doing things by the book. Some time in Atlantis will teach him that that doesn't work.

The second new episode was good too, because it was a chance for Keller to have an episode. I like Jewel Staite. She was great in Firefly, and I like her character in Atlantis. Keller is just a doctor, not a soldier or someone used to being in dangerous situations. Bit odd that they'd send someone like that to Atlantis. When they sent Beckett, they didn't know what he would have to face, but they did with Keller. She's still interesting though, and I'm glad she's on the main cast this season.

One thing I will say, is that I hope they settle the cast down and keep Woolsey for more than a season. New leaders every season won't be good for the show, and I really hope Atlantis has a few more seasons in it yet. Still, I hope they know where to end it though. The problem with SG1 was that they just kept going. I don't know if they had a plan to finish with season 11, but it didn't seem like they knew when they were going to wrap up the stories and stop. I hope Atlantis has a better prepared ending.

I'm not doing a seperate section for it, but I'll also say that I'm really excited about Continuum :D


Bit different to what I usually watch, but when my mum watched the season 2 opener the other week, I got a bit interested. I've now seen all of season 1, and I'm about to start 2. It's really worth watching. Dexter is totally different from anything I've seen, and it's totally unexpected. Who would think of someone working for the police being a serial killer? I'm not keen on my heroes being killers though, and I hope he does get caught at some point. Saying that though, everytime he comes close, I really hope he doesn't. It's definitely a weird programme. I'm looking forward to season 2.

Dr Who

It's been a few weeks since it ended, but I don't think I've mentioned that epic finale yet. Turn Left was a fantastic episode. Without Donna, the world would pretty much be ending, and it's all because she turned left and ended up meeting the Doctor. And then when Rose gave her two words, and it was Bad Wolf...fantastic. RTD linked it all together. Everything, from every series since he brought Dr Who back to life.

Stolen Earth just got better. To have all of those companions back was great. Billie Piper was pretty weird as Rose. I don't know what was going on with her voice. Still, it was great to have Rose back looking for the Doctor. Martha is a hell of a lot more interesting with UNIT than she ever was as companion. Captain Jack is always awesome, and it was great to see Gwen and Ianto there too. I like Sarah Jane, and her being back in Dr Who makes me want to watch her series too. I know it's supposed to be a kids thing, but it actually looks pretty good. Catherine Tate has been amazing as Donna. She's definitely the best of the regular companions. The end of the episode was just brilliant. A Dalek manages to shoot the Doctor, and it looks like he's going to regenerate. I didn't know what to think there. If he did regenerate, I'd have been disappointed to lose David Tennant, but amazed that they'd kept it so secret. The media didn't seem to know at all for that whole week, which was fantastic.

Journey's End...well he didn't regenerate, but again it was great how things linked together. The hand, cut off in The Christmas Invasion and kept at Torchwood in Cardiff for a year, took the regeneration energy. More old companions returning with Jacqui and Mickey, who is a lot less annoying since his time fighting Cybermen. And then the conclusion. Donna being the key to everything. Really was one of the best episodes I've ever seen. I think the one thing I didn't like too much was the duplicate half human Doctor staying with Rose in Bad Wolf Bay. I understand that he needed Rose's help, as the real Doctor said, but for them to just suddenly be together? Wouldn't the real Doctor be more upset? Would Rose just accept that? I mean he's not exactly the same guy. Same memories and feelings, but he committed genocide. He wasn't the guy Rose loved...not exactly. Oh well, the rest of the episode was beyond brilliant. It was heartbreaking to see Donna have to lose it all.

One thing that I hope happens in the future is that companions stick around for a bit longer. It'd be nice not to have a new one every season. I know they all end up coming back for a bit (although Donna might not) but just to have them stay a bit longer. Or even leave mid season, so it doesn't seem like a series ending clearout.

I think that'll do on TV for now. Now about last night's post in here. I still feel as annoyed, really. I'm annoyed that someone else who hasn't been there like I have gets more recognition than me. The way I write it down makes me seem immature, but I don't think it's abnormal to just want a friend to let you know that you're really a friend.

On a totally separate note, I'm thinking of backing off the internet a bit when I find a job. I get bored of it far easier lately, and I didn't miss it when I was on holiday. I miss it as a way of keeping in contact, but I don't miss PB half as much as I used to when I'm away. At the moment, I think I'm just there because I have nothing else to do rather than because I really enjoy it.

On a good note, I think we're gonna find another zoo to go to this week :D

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