Friday 11 July 2008


Sometimes I think it's really sad that I don't talk to many people from school anymore. Sometimes something will happen that makes me think that I'm so glad I moved on, even if my social life suffers when I'm back home because of it.

I just got invited to a Facebook group by some girl I never used to talk to about crashing the wedding of the head teacher and the deputy head we all knew she was sleeping with. I don't like this woman at all, and I'm saying that from an unbiased point of view since I was never in trouble with her. I do like the guy, but as a couple they're pretty unpleasant from what I've heard. I heard things about her not marrying him, or even living with him, because it would damage her position of power and elevate him, or something. Whatever, I don't like them much and she in particular did me no favours.

Still, do I care enough about it to crash their wedding? Or even give their wedding much thought? School ended more than 6 years ago. I'm so over it that I don't even want to hunt down that prat who I blame for my Merit in ICT anymore. It's done. I've lived in other places for 4 years. University was my life. Who gives a shit about what school teachers who probably don't remember us are up to now? I really pitty everyone in that Facebook group. If the wall discussion gets going though, I may join and actually tell them to get over it.

Now playing: Bright Eyes - Bowl Of Oranges
via FoxyTunes

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