Thursday 31 July 2008

The real world and the fake

Last weekend, after a lot of complaining about how much I hate camping, I ended up going camping in Mablethorpe with my dad, his partner, and her family. It was actually a really good break, away from the internet and the boredom of all the nothing I do at the moment. I sat in the sun all weekend, spent a lot of time talking to my dad (and realising how I was actually brought up rather well) and I read an entire book. Dune Messiah, which I may talk about in another post after I've bought and read Children of Dune too. Fantastic read, and the first time I've read a novel in far too long. I really enjoyed just escaping into it while sitting in the sun outside a beach chalet.

If I wasn't completely shattered right now, I'd write more about that weekend, because I really enjoyed it. There are some things that I would have complained about, like a certain 16 year old who has been far too spoilt, and maybe someone a bit older who is the same, but I can't quite be bothered. It was just some quality time in the real world, and I liked it more than I thought I would.

So going the other way, I've also done something unspeakable in the last week. I got the WoW trial. Yes I'm hanging my head in shame as I type. I got it for two reasons. The first is that it's a cure for the boredom, but the main one is that I want some MMORPG experience on something other than Runescape before Stargate Worlds is out. That's been pushed back to 2009 now, but I still thought it'd be good to have a go on WoW.

So far, it's not too bad. There's a lot to do as a newbie to get going. A lot of small quests that build you up. I can't see how level 70s stay entertained, but it's alright for now. Pete will probably come and help me with quests at some point, which will be a help. I'm not sure how I like the social element of it though. I know on RS doing stuff with other people and chatting as you play is well annoying. I guess I'll have another go before the trial runs out, and consider buying it for my free month if I think it's worth it. Anyone on Burning Blade in Europe should give me a shout though.

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