Sunday 14 December 2008

The Final Cylon

I'm such a nerd. I can hardly contain my excitement at the fact that Battlestar Galactica is back in about a month! I just watched the first of the new webisodes series, which was interesting. If this series is half as good as The Resistance it'll be well worth watching. Anyway, after watching, I took some time to look around SciFi's Battlestar site, and now I can't stop thinking about who the fifth Cylon is again. For most TV shows, I have no interest in reading about other people's theories. It reminds of the Harry Potter "who is the Half Blood Prince?" thing, because that was so ridiculous and some people really did have stupid ideas. I won't name the PB member who was sure it was Justin Finch-Fletchley. Battlestar theories, for the most part, seem a whole lot more sensible though. Reading what other people think gives me ideas I might not have considered myself. Anyway, the rest of this post is about why I think people are or are not likely to be the last of the final five.

Admiral Adama - Lots of places are sure it has to be a really major character. Thinking of really major characters who aren't already Cylons, I'll start with Bill Adama. Biggest reason why he isn't the one? Caprica. Based on that story, his family was opposed to the creation of Cylons before they even existed. That, along with the fact that it'd make Lee and the other son hard to explain, means that I think it very unlikely to be him. It'd be quite impressive if they found a way for it to work mind. His sons could be the first hybrids for all we know. Still, doesn't seem very plausible.

Lee Adama - Same reasons as his father. It's just too complicated with his family history. Lee has always been a good man, so he'd be an interesting one to reveal as a Cylon, but again I don't think it possible.

Laura Roslin - She was my favourite to be the fifth after the season 3 ending. Her connection to Athena and Caprica Six is suspicious. Her visions too. Still, the prophecies hint at her being a special human being. A great leader who would lead her people back to Earth. Also worth noting that D'Anna said that there were four of the five in the fleet, and Roslin wasn't with the fleet at the time. Still, D'Anna also said it wasn't her. Well, more or less. Would she have told her if it really was her? I think Roslin is still one of my favourites, because it would be a massive revelation. If it has to be one of the main lot, I'd pick her.

Starbuck - I just don't believe it is her. Gut feeling maybe. There are many clues suggesting it is though. Her relationship with Leoban, her miraculous reappearance, the symbol she always really is like everything that has happened is her destiny. Is that because she's a special human being, or because she's something else? She'll lead humanity to destruction, but will that be because she's a Cylon? In my opinion, no. She's special and she has a great destiny, but I still think she's human.

Baltar - I don't know. I thought he definitely wouldn't be. Thought it'd be too obvious. He was just a flawed human who made bad choices and did a few really bad things, but he represented what was wrong with humanity. To blame his actions on being a Cylon would be an easy way out. Things the hybrid said about seeking redemption point to him more than the other main characters though, and this new "voice of god" Baltar has really made me think again. The clues on the SciFi site too. I've never wanted him to be a Cylon for the reasons I said about him just being a flawed human being, but at this point I still think it'd be a good twist. Oh and obviously his head Cylon makes you think it could be him "projecting" her image, but I think her presence is way more complicated than that, and I can't even begin to explain why she's there or what she is.

Helo - I've always seen him as a definite no, along with Cally Tyrol. He father a child to a Cylon. Cylons can't reproduce with other Cylons. However, it appears that Tigh got the Six pregnant. Is this because the final five are different, or can Cylons reproduce afterall? I still think it very, very unlikely that Helo is one, but I now don't see it as impossible.

Ellen Tigh - Right, now we're out of the main characters, but Ellen Tigh has been my favourite for a long while now. Her and the Colonel have no children. Both Cylons? Baltar never did reveal the results of her Cylon test. Her mysterious reappearance in season 1, as well as her other slightly suspicious actions, have left me really thinking it could be her. I think it'd be a pretty good twist. I don't think I can really explain why, but there's just something pushing me to think it's her.

Gaeta - No. Although it looks like he's the focus of these webisodes, I don't think he's important enough. He's not done anything that'd make you think one way or the other that it could be him.

Hera - Maybe the final Cylon is "the shape of things to come". Maybe she hadn't been born at the time the other four of the five were created. Hera is definitely very important. Is that just because she's a hybrid, or something more? This is a theory I've not long come upon, but it's definitely worth considering.

Tom Zarek - Like Roslin, this guy is quite anti-Cylon, making him someone else who would be very interesting to have as one of the five. He's not always been a central character, but he's always been important as a secondary character. He often gets in the way and protests against the actions of main characters. Could he know things they don't? What if he's always known he was a Cylon?

Boomer - Another interesting theory I came across was that as well as infiltrating humanity, the final five had infiltrated the other Cylons. Boomer is apart from the other eights. That doesn't seem to happen in Cylon society. Is she different to the others? The final Cylon looking like an existing Cylon model? Long shot, but interesting.

Head Six - This didn't really occur to me until I looked again at the epic "Last Supper" picture. Maybe the last one isn't a physical being. The Six in Baltar's head has definitely influenced events over the last 3 and a half seasons. So has the Baltar in Caprica's head. Why? What are they? The picture comes into play because I noticed Caprica pointing at the Head Six. She can see her?! That must be significant, somehow.

Someone new - Very unlikely, probably impossible. No one introduced at this stage would be significant enough, unless it's revealed that the final Cylon is the God, a god, the hybrid or something else bizarre like that. It'd be kinda disappointing if it wasn't someone I listed above though.

Other stuff to consider - The final five, or at least the four we know, we triggered with Bear McCreary's very awesome version of All Along the Watchtower. Why wasn't the fifth? None of the other suspects could hear the music. At least, not the ones in the fleet. That doesn't include Starbuck, who returned around the same time the trigger went off. Coincidence? Also doesn't include Ellen Tigh, since she's presumed dead. I also mentioned earlier that Last Supper picture SciFi released. I mentioned the pointing at the Head Six. Also worth noting, and the thing I noticed the first time I looked, is the empty seat at the table. The obvious conclusion would be that this is the seat for the final Cylon. And now for a comment that makes a lot of the rest of the stuff I've written irrelevant. The writers are now saying the the final Cylon is not at the table. NOT AT THE TABLE. Rules out the Adamas, Roslin, Baltar, Starbuck, Helo and the Head Six. Haha, wish I'd read that first before I'd written out everything else, but oh well.

And my conclusions? Ellen Tigh or Tom Zarek. If they're lying about the final Cylon not being at the table, Roslin is also a major suspect. Hera is also a big one, for the sake of having a slightly alternative theory.

Seriously, I am so excited about this coming back on TV. Battlestar has been one of the most exciting things on since it started.

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