Wednesday 5 December 2007

The Power Cut

This is the first of two blog entries tonight. I'm more keen to right the second one, because I think it's more important, but I want to get my moan about last night out the way first.

Basically, there was a power cut. Hospital power, including residences, was meant to be out from 6pm to 10pm. It ended up being out until 1.30am. How do I know when it came on? My lights coming back on woke me up.

No power meant no cooking, tv, computer, heating or light. I rushed to the canteen before 6 to get dinner before they lost power, and then I phoned people. It was 7ish and I was bored, and my flatmate who was taking me to Asda wasn't home yet, so I walked to Netto to buy candles. That was a good hour round trip, which seems like a waste of time just to spend £1.78 on candles. Didn't want to buy food though because it's cheaper (and better) at Asdas. Just as I get in, she gets home and we go out to Asda. Come back and it's still only 9pm. What to do? Even the emergency lights in the hall were out at this point. I set up candles and read Dune by candlelight, since I was too awake to sleep. Daft thing was that when I actually was tired enough, Dune was getting exciting. By the time I went to sleep, it was freezing. I didn't get to shower till the morning because there was no light in the bathroom, and I didn't know how long the hot water would last. I didn't get to do my washing, because obviously the washing machines were out. I missed Dawson's Creek. I had no internet all night. It was the longest I've been without power, and it was verging on ridiculous. The workmen must have screwed up pretty badly to leave us cut off for that long.

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